[comp.sys.ibm.pc] IBM-PC escape sequences

ken@aiai.ed.ac.uk (Ken Johnson) (02/12/90)

This is a summary of the information I've had; it is meant to be
helpful, but it is probably disappointing.

If your system has on it the file ANSI.SYS and CONFIG.SYS, and if
CONFIG.SYS contains the line


then the escape sequences available are the ANSI ones.  There are other
devices (NANSI.SYS and NNANSI.SYS) around, but I don't have copies of
either. The escape sequences available are those listed in the IBM DOS

esc[#;#H	Cursor position
esc[#A		Cursor up
esc[#B		Cursor down
esc[#C		Cursor forward
esc[#D		Cursor backward
esc[#;#f	Same as esc[#;#H (Cursor position)
esc[6n		Put device status report on stdin
esc[#;#R	Cursor position: written ONTO stdin by esc[6n
esc[s		Save cursor
esc[u		Restore cursor
esc[2j		Erase screen, cursor home
esc[K		Erase to end of line
esc[#;#..;#m	Set graphics rendition. Paramatrers are
			0	normal
			1	bold
			4	underscore
			5	blink
			7	reverse video
			8	invisible
			30...37	foreground colour
			40...47	background colour

esc[=#h		Set mode. Parameters are
			0	40x25 b&w
			1	40x25 colour
			2	80x25 b&w
			3	80x25 colour
			4	320x200 colour
			5	320x200 b&w
			6	640x200 b&w
			7	Wrap at end of line
esc[=#l		Reset mode. Pramaters as above except 7 clears wrap at
		end of line instead of setting it
esc[#;#;...#p	Key reassign. First parameter is the code being mapped;
		others are the new output from that key.

# throughout is a decimal number, possibly of more than one digit; if
  omitted, defaults to 1. 

Ken Johnson, AI Applications Institute, 80 South Bridge, Edinburgh EH1 1HN
E-mail ken@aiai.ed.ac.uk, phone 031-225 4464 extension 212
`I have read your article, Mr Johnson, and I am no wiser now than when I
started'.  -- `Possibly not, sir, but far better informed.'