[comp.sys.ibm.pc] HP Deskjet


I just saw the first ad for the HP DeskJet (at least, the first one
I have seen).  Does anyone have one or has anyone heard anything?
The demo prints looked great, but nothing beats actual battle testing.

Just wondering.  Please respond directly to me.  As always, i'll summarize
if I get a barrage of replies.

Michael Harpe
University of Louisville
Louisville, KY

wtm@neoucom.UUCP (Bill Mayhew) (02/28/88)

I just saw the desk jet too.  The print is not quite as dense as a
laser jet, but you'd probably not notice if identical document from
both printers weren't side-by-side.

The only bad part of the desk jet is that it pauses what seems like
20 seconds between pages to give a chance for the ink to dry.  If
you generally never print multipage documents, this won't be a big
deal.  If you are mostly a memo writer type, the printer would be a
good bet.

The desk jet's graphics language is somewhat different from the
laser jet, but I have not been able to test this operational


beamon@ge-dab.GE.COM (Bill Beamon) (03/04/89)

Question: Has anyone tried using the HP Deskjet with Ghostscript?

I want to do text/graphics/desktop publishing with a less expensive
alternative to the HP LJ-II laser printer. It's for me, so $$$ is
an issue. I hear the graphics rendering with Deskjet is not as good
even at 300 dpi, because it's a serial printer rather than a page
dump type. Cross hatching and shading is done on a line, not page
basis, etc. BUT it gas some good stuff: it's laserjet + compatible
(at level 3 of 8, where the LJ-II is level 5 in HPGL), it has 300 dpi,
it's gonna be around for awhile and it has font download capability
(with the extra 128K memory plug).

Now, if you compose a text/graphics tome using, say, Pagemaker, to
a disk file and you've setup Pagemaker for a Postscript printer, 
then you submit the file with embedded Postscript to Ghostscript
to rasterize it at 300 dpi, WILL IT LOOK BETTER ON THE DESKJET

I don't care if it's slow; will it work? Comments, please. Thanks.

Bill Beamon/GE Daytona (904) 239-2605....Disclaimers? Okay, sure...

nelson@sun.soe.clarkson.edu (Russ Nelson) (04/01/89)

In article <101000046@hpcvlx.HP.COM> everett@hpcvlx.HP.COM (Everett Kaser) writes:

   YES, the HP Thinkjet Printer is the greatest little printer aroun....

Sorry to have to disagree with you, Everett, but the HP DESKjet
printer is the greatest little printer around...  Not only will it
print on plain old non-perforated paper, but it looks and feels just
like a laser printer.  It loads the paper from a tray, silently prints
on it at 300 dpi, and then spits the paper out to be stacked up.  Plus
it sucks in envelopes at the touch of a button!

Now if only I can convince GhostScript to print to it, we could have a $600
(street price) PostScript printer...

Disclaimer: I used to work for HP Corvallis Division, which created the
Thinkjet printer.
--russ (nelson@clutx [.bitnet | .clarkson.edu])
If you can, help others.  If you can't,       |        Leftoid and proud of it
at least don't hurt others--the Dalai Lama    |

roseann@eeg.UUCP (White) (04/04/89)

From article <NELSON.89Mar31221721@sun.soe.clarkson.edu>, by nelson@sun.soe.clarkson.edu (Russ Nelson):
>    YES, the HP Thinkjet Printer is the greatest little printer aroun....

Has anyone considered the diconix printer.  It will emulate IBM
and epson, is portable(boy is it portable) and battery operated too!!!


Roseann Fowler-White, Operations Manager, EEG Systems Laboratory
51 Federal St, rm 401, San Francisco, Ca 94107 (415) 957-1600, ext. 103
roseann@eeg.com postmaster@eeg.com {pacbell,lll-winken,ucsfcgl}!eeg!roseann  

Mike.Fidker@f3.n30057.z1.FIDONET.ORG (Mike Fidker) (04/10/89)

 > From: roseann@eeg.UUCP (White)
 > Date: 3 Apr 89 23:48:11 GMT
 > Organization: EEG Systems Laboratory, San Francisco
 > Message-ID: <614@eeg.UUCP>
 > Newsgroups: comp.sys.ibm.pc
 > From article <NELSON.89Mar31221721@sun.soe.clarkson.edu>, by
 > nelson@sun.soe.clarkson.edu (Russ Nelson):
 > >    YES, the HP Thinkjet Printer is the greatest little printer
 > aroun....

Is anyone out there interested in purchasing a Hewlett Packard Thinkjet 
Printer? I have one for sale for $175.00 or BO..If your interested call 
407-933-8215...thanks a bunch..mike 

Fidonet:  Mike Fidker via 1:363/9
Usenet:  ...!peora!rtmvax!mamab!30057!3!Mike.Fidker
Internet: Mike.Fidker@f3.n30057.z1.FIDONET.ORG

pyt@hprnd.HP.COM (Pierre-Yves Thoulon) (04/10/89)

> requires special ink-jet paper - more expensive

No more. HP now provides an ink cartridge for standard paper. I've
never tried it and I believe the print quality is slightly inferior to
the one you can get with the special paper, but it's there...


syrbz@warwick.ac.uk (J D Mulberg) (04/13/89)

1. I heard that the Deskjet had problems with smudging. Is this the case?
Do you have to be careful what paper you use?

2. Has anyone managed to get a postscript clone going on it?

Jon Mulberg,                                          Go placidly amid the
Warwick University                                    noise and haste ...
UUCP:   ...!mcvax!ukc!warwick!syrbz	PHONE:  +44 203 523523
JANET:  syrbz@uk.ac.warwick.daisy       ARPA:   syrbz@daisy.warwick.ac.uk

mark@imagen.UUCP (Mark Peek) (04/14/89)

In article <460@daisy.warwick.ac.uk>, syrbz@warwick.ac.uk (J D Mulberg) writes:
> 2. Has anyone managed to get a postscript clone going on it?

Well, I know of three "postscript clones" that will run on a PC and output to
the DeskJet (not to mention dot matrix and laser printers). But first the
disclaimer: I work for IMAGEN but I'm posting this for informational use only.

They are:
	1. UltraScript PC - QMS/IMAGEN (distributed by Laser Connection)
		List price: $195 ( 25 fonts )
			    $445 ( 47 fonts )
		Info: (800) 523-2696

	2. Freedom of Press - Custom Applications Inc (CAI)
		List price: $495 ( 35 fonts )
		Info: (800) 873-4367

	3. GoScript - LaserGo Inc.
		List price: $195 ( 13 fonts )
			    $395 ( 35 fonts )
		Info: (619) 530-2400
Information about UltraScript is from our Press Release. Information about
Freedom of Press and GoScript is from an article in the April 11, 1989
edition of PC Magazine.


Name:	Mark Peek
Mail:	Imagen Corp. 2650 San Tomas Expressway, P.O. Box 58101
        Santa Clara, CA 95052-8101
AT&T:	(408) 986-9400
UUCP:	...{decvax,ucbvax}!decwrl!imagen!mark

raphael@hpcuhb.HP.COM (Bert Raphael) (04/29/89)

For $100 more than the Thinkjet, I would go with the Quietjet.  It's
a bit larger than the Thinkjet, but you get faster draft printing,
a near-letter-quality font, better paper handling including adjustable
tractor and edge-to-edge printing, a bigger choice of pitches, and both
IBM and Epson emulation modes.  The print mechanism and cartridge is the
same as the Thinkjet's.  Outstanding reliability.  For either, the
so-called plain paper ink is still far inferior to the regular ink with
the special paper.

Of course, for $200 more than the Quietjet you can now get a Deskjet, with
*wonderful* print quality -- but it doesn't have a tractor feed, so might
not be practical if you print listings.

(Disclaimer-- I'm not in the printer part of HP, but I use lots of HP

jah1@uafhcx.uucp (Lear Aragon) (02/13/90)

Thanks for the help everyone.  I did try changing the ink cartridge and
yes, that was the problem.  I just didn't think it would be the cartridge
since I had printed out less than 1000 pages.  Thanks again.

jah1@uafhcx.uark.edu  -  J. Alan Hughes  Universtiy of Arkansas Fayetteville
Mechanical Engineering             To be or not to be, that is the question.