[comp.sys.ibm.pc] EGA info wanted

jdc@beach.cis.ufl.edu (Jeff Capehart) (02/22/90)

I am trying to find out some technical info on the EGA mode.  Specifically
I want to know how to store a picture into the video memory so that it 
looks the way it should.  I will be reading a 64k file that is 320x200
with 16 colors (4 bits of 8 used).

I know the video memory starts at A0000 and is probably in banks of 8k.
Each bank of 8k corresponds to one of 4 bits for 16 color mode.  The
banks are called bitplanes and all of them start at A0000.  So,
how do I switch from one bitplane to the next?  Doing EGA stuff in
BIOS would be pathetically slow.  All I really want to do is screenload
a picture so direct memory copy seems like the fastest way to do it.
Jeff Capehart 		Internet: jdc@beach.cis.ufl.edu
University of Florida	UUCP:   ..!uflorida!beach.cis.ufl.edu!jdc