nelson_p@apollo.HP.COM (Peter Nelson) (02/26/90)
Your roving troubleshooter (or is that troublemaker?) recently installed Desqview 386 (i.e., Desqview 2.2, QEMM 386, and Manifest on his 386SX machine (2M, ATI VGAWonder). So far, everything runs properly under Desqview except for several graphics applications written in Zortech C using their Flash Graphics library. The Zortech programs run fine outside of Desqview. But they behave unreliably under Desqview, some- times crashing during initialization, sometimes crashing later on, sometimes not crashing at all. This occurs even when there are no other apps running under Desqview and no TSR's except Logitech's Running with protection set to [3] may no difference and results in no error messages. By "crash" I mean that the whole machine hangs and has to be rebooted. The programs in question are small (~35K) and allocate no global memory. All they do is init graphics (640X480 X 16 colors), draw two colored rectangles on the screen and allow the user to change the colors of one of them via the LUTs (palette) using the R,G,B keys of the keyboard. I've tried various suggestions in the manual to no avail. Of course there's a lot of material there, between the 2.2 manual, the 386 addendum, and the QEMM material. I haven't got time to become an "expert" in their product; I just want to be able to run my programs. Desqview's troubleshooting guide was no help. They have a section for developers which talks about writing "Desqview oblivious" programs. There they provide a list of "don'ts" which basically amount to "don't write your program as though it owns the machine" and which consists of specifics about buffer and stack sizes and interrupt handling and not 'going around' DOS, etc. I don't like this for three reasons: Both advertising literature I have from them and conversations I had with them before buying indicate that Desqview can create an environment in which a program can "think" it owns the machine. I had extensive conversations with their tech support staff before buying the product in which I tried to poke holes in this but was assured that there was very little likelihood of a problem. I chose Desqview over Windows 386 because I didn't want to have to rewrite my applications in order to use them under Desqview. If you are writing in a high-level language like C or Pascal you are not likely to *know* whether the conditions for their "Desqview oblivious" programs are met. How do I know what Zortech's run-time code and graphics library do internally?! And more to the point, Zortech is written for DOS, which is a single-use operating system, so why shouldn't Zortech think it owns the machine? This is not a realistic requirement for Quarterdeck, Desqview's manufacturer, to make. I'll call Quarterdeck's tech support on Monday and see what they have to suggest. BTW, if all else fails, I am happy to report that Quarterdeck DOES have a 90 day money-back guarantee on their product. I just hope I don't have to use it. ---Peter