[comp.sys.ibm.pc] SUMMARY: ... best way to determine cache size

emb978@leah.Albany.Edu (Eric M. Boehm) (02/19/90)

Included below are the responses I received to my question "What is the
best way to determine cache size". 

I was hoping for a procedure to arrive at some magical number but as
several people pointed out, it all depends on what applications you are
using. Basically, you have to use trial and error.

A few misconceptions I had were cleared up. The hardware cache on
motherboards is a memory cache used to get 0 wait states without going
to expensive static ram or very fast (40ns) dynamic ram. It is used to
decrease a bottleneck between the CPU and RAM, while a disk cache is
meant to decrease the bottleneck between RAM and the hard disk.
Comparing the two is probably comparing apples and oranges.

I had thought a large cache would be counterproductive because you would
need to reload the entire cache if the data wasn't currently in the
cache. From the discussions below, that doesn't seem to be the case.

I had tried some measurements after the first few responses. I am using
PC-CACHE (from PCTOOLS 5.5) set to read 16 sectors ahead. With 384K, I
was getting about 55% hits. At 512K, about 75% hits; at 1024K, about
77-85% hits.

I tried to set up QUICKCACHE II (available from simtel20). It hung up
during the installation process while trying to determine buffer size (I
think the cache on the controller was screwing up their tests). I
installed it manually but I didn't like the program because it used 77K
of memory from the 640K region while pc-cache uses about 24K.

Finally, I had very good results by keeping the ramdisk large and moving
entire applications or source code to it. Compilation is very fast. For
the work I am doing, I don't think I would get that much more from a
larger cache. In fact, the best size may lie between 512K and 1024K.

Thanks to all who responded. Their help and information was much
From: Stephen Trier <trier@SCL.CWRU.Edu>
Cache size is very dependent on what applications you are using.  For example,
I use Mush for my e-mail, and Mush does a lot of backward searches and re-reads
of a mail folder.  This makes it a great application for a cache.  My folders
are from 10K to 144K is length, so I'd probably use a 128K cache, or if I
felt generous with the RAM, 256K.  On the other hand, WordPerfect doesn't use
the disk much, and when it does, it's mostly just for straight reads and
writes of a file.  Because of that, a cache won't help much.

There are two viewpoints on caching:  One holds that a cache is like a
special, high-speed RAMdisk that uses virtual memory to look huge.  From
that viewpoint, you should go to a 3 or 4 Meg cache.  You might get very
fast performance, since entire applications will be buffered onto the cache.
(I'd love to do some C compilers with a cache that size.)  The other argument
is that a cache is for repeated reads of one or two files, and should
therefore be about as large as the largest file (or application) you will use.
On my system, that would be about 256K.

The only sure test is to try it both ways.  Since you have memory to spare,
try a 512K cache.  However, I would also try moving that cache up to 3.5 Megs
or so and dropping that RAMDisk down proportionately.  You might be very
pleased with the performance, especially the *second* time you run an
application or do a compile.  ;-)

From: mcdonald@aries.scs.uiuc.edu (Doug McDonald)
Having both a ramdisk and a cache complicates matters enormously.
You might be better off using the ramdisk for all your 
most common programs etc. Then again you might be better off with
a huge cache, though these things DO have a maximum useful size.

What you have to do is simple TRY all your normal activities
with various choices. Also note - too many BUFFERS in your config.sys
files is BAD if you use a cache. You might get an improvement by going
down to somewhere between 3 and 10. You probably need 2 buffers for each
commonly used drive designation letter. I usually use c:, e:,
and one at a time of d:, f:, g:, and h: , so mine works best at roughly

I personally use TeX a lot, and find that it works best with
a disk cache of 640k, though 192k is much better than none at all.
192K is enough to be optimal for compiling things with Microsoft C.

I do not use the rest of my 4 megs as a ramdisk, but rather to run genuine
30386 32 bit programs.

From: chao@cory.berkeley.edu (Chia-Chi Chao)
I use PC-CACHE from PC TOOLS, and it has a /measures option which displays the
number of disk accesses and actual physical access, along with the percentage
of accesses saved.  I don't think there's a program which automatically 
determines the correct cache size for you.  Also, if you use disk cache, I
think you can decrease the BUFFERS value to minimum to save some memory space.

From: nghiem@emx.utexas.edu (Alex Nghiem)
I simply set the cache to the size of the application that I use frequently.
Lets say I use Microsoft Works often. Lets say the complete Microsoft works
takes up say 185k on the hard disk. Setting the cache to 256k provides ample
space to cache all of Microsoft Works and allows space for whatever swap
files it may use.

From: MICHELBI@oregon.uoregon.edu (Michel Biedermann)
If I read you message correctly, I think you are confusing two different types
of caches: memory versus disk cache.

Most 386 computers, in order to perform at 0-wait states without using very
fast RAM, require a small cache, usually around 64K, or super fast SRAM memory
(not DRAM).  The main difference lies in the memory access speed which is
approximately 80-90ns for DRAM versus 15-25ns for SRAM.

In the case of a disk cache, standard DRAM is used to decrease the bottleneck
between the memory and the drive, not the CPU and the memory as seen above.  In
this case, you can indeed have a disk cache as big as you can afford memory.
There is a small penalty mind you.  With very big disk caches (>1024K) if the 
information requested is not in the cache, the computer may actually lose some
time looking for it.  I have found a disk cache of 512K to be a happy medium, 
although I have occasionally used one much bigger (1024K) when I switch
between programs a lot (DeskView or OS/2).  Zenith's latest EISA controller
has a 1MB cache built on the drive controller.  This allows an apparent disk 
access time of *3-6ms* even though the drive itself is only rated at 16ms
which is standard for ESDI drives.

From: kabra437@pallas.athenanet.com (Ken Abrams)
Just EXACTLY what evidence do you have (speculation aside) that a large
cache is "counterproductive"?  I am using a 2M cache with SMARTDRIVE under
MS-DOS 4.01 and see absolutely NO indication that it is in any way too
large (quite to the contrary, as a matter of fact).  I think the reason
that hardware caches are much smaller is based almost entirely on COST.

From: jdudeck@polyslo.CalPoly.EDU (John R. Dudeck)
The rule of thumb for disk cache size is:  Make the cache as big as you can
without taking away from memory that your program will use.

If you want to try to do measurements, you probably will never get anything
conclusive.  The reason for this is the way in which a cache works.  It holds
the disk data that has been read, in the hopes that you will try to read the
same data again, thus removing the need for a repeated disk access to that
data.  If you keep reading the same data over and over, the cache will
always get a hit, and you will have fantastic speed improvements over no
cache at all.  If you read different data each time you read, there will
be no improvement at all.  It all depends on how much your work rereads
the same data without intervening reads of other data.  This can be
determined easier on the back of an envelope than by doing benchmark

From: scotts@cpqhou.UUCP (Scott Shaffer)
Well, I think the answer lies in what disk-cache you are using and what
algorithm they use.  It is a fact that the larger the cache you have, the
larger the look-up table must be.  Since this table is what the driver
uses to determine what is in the cache and whether to get it from a cache
buffer or read from the disk.  If you have a large disk, and the algorithm
cache's, say, 1-8 sectors at a time, then it is possible that a large
cache will actually have a performance degredation over a smaller one, due
to the fact that searching the table will require a little time.  However,
if the program uses an algorithm that cache's entire tracks (like Compaq's),
then there is *NO* performance degredation, even with caches of 16MB.  Thus,
the answer should be to a) figure out what algorithm the cache uses, and
b) figure out how much memory you are willing to give up for the cache.
I personally run 4MB of cache because I have the memory and use it for
nothing else (I also run 2MB VDISK and 9MB EMM).

The algorithm that cache's whole tracks is under the assumption that most
disk accesses will be sequential (sector to sector), so cacheing the whole
track will result in significant better performance by a program that is
going to read multiple sectors from the same track (this is most common in
database applications, and CAD work).  If, however, you acesses different
tracks, then you will have cache misses.  One person noted that this will
actually take more time (it will), but this will be negligable, because even
if the cache table is 20KB (for large caches only), the time it takes to
CMP AX,[cache] that 20KB will be VERY little on 386/25 machines. 

Obviously, if you can add to the controller cards memory cache, that will
be the best solution (unfortunately, this probably isn't an option).

From: jpn@genrad.com (John P. Nelson)
This is not necessarily true.  A 1 megabyte cache is about right for my
development environment (which is a compile/edit/debug cycle).  The rule
of thumb is that you would like to fit all of your "working" data into
cache, including the programs you are running.  (Of course, if you run
a single program all day, you don't need to have that program in cache.)

>I received a suggestion that 64 KB is probably a better size (since that
>is the size of hardware caches on most machines with hardware caches).

You are thinking of a different type of cache.  That is a MEMORY cache,
not a disk cache.  A memory cache is made up of very fast memory, and
caches access to normal, slower memory.

A disk cache generally needs to be larger, because the amount of data you
access from disk is generally larger than the amount of memory being used
by a program.  This is particularly true since disk is cached with a 512K
granularity, while memory caches generally cache longwords (4 bytes) or
doublewords (8 bytes).

It never hurts to use a larger cache, except that the memory is unavailable
to programs for other uses.  As I said, what you want to do is to keep your
entire working set of data (and programs) in cache memory.

If your cache program has "clear cache" and a "display cache usage"
functions, you can clear the cache, perform your normal work
operations, then check the cache usage.  If the cache is 100% used,
then you don't have an excess of cache memory allocated.  Of course,
you may not need to allocate quite as much memory as is implied by the
above procedure, because the most frequently accessed data will be
cached in preference to infrequently used data.  In that case, you
simply have to estimate how large your "frequently" used data is, and
allocate slightly more than that.  It depends on your application!

If you allocate 1 byte less than the "working set" of data that you
use, your cache will tend to thrash.  As an example, take an
application that frequently accesses a 64K file sequentially, with a
system that has 63K of cache.  The file is accessed from the beginning
to the end:  The first 63K of the file is stored in cache.  Now, the
last 1K of the file is accessed, but there is no more cache available,
so the cache driver discards the oldest (least recently used) data (the
first 1K of the file) from the cache, and loads the last 1K of the file
into that block.

Now watch what happens the next time the file is accessed.  The first
block of the file is not stored in cache, so the disk is accessed.
Because there are no free cache blocks, the oldest block is discarded,
which just happens to be the SECOND 1K of the file.  Note that the
ENTIRE FILE will be fetched from disk in the same manner.  In other
words the cache is TOTALLY USELESS!

From: ddb@ns.network.com (David Dyer-Bennet)
I find 384k barely sufficient, 1 meg about ok.  I'd use 2 meg, except
I run some programs that make good use of the expanded memory for
other things. 

Your comparison to memory cache sizes is not terribly relevant; for
running dos, memory cache is really relevant to about 640k of memory,
whereas your disk is probably 40 megabytes at least.

Most caches I've used provide some way to report their hit ratios
(what percentage of reads find the data in cache).  If you can get
this information from yours, monitor the hit ration periodically while
running with different cache sizes.  The right size will depend a lot
on exactly what your work mix is, so don't expect a "right" answer
from the net to be just the number :-)

From: rick@NRC.COM (Rick Wagner)
If your cache software uses the track buffering method, then you
should definately consider using a disk optimizer.  This will ensure
that you get the most sequential data, using up fewer of your buffers.
The cache program I wrote uses track buffers, and is happiest with an
optimized disk.

While it is true that in random access applications (i.e. databases)
you may get alot of misses on the data fields, the key file, which
is repeatedly accessed, as well as the DOS FAT table, will be in
cache.  Caching these blocks will "buy" you alot, even if you can't
hold the entire data base itself.

From: Stephen M. Dunn  cs4g6ag@maccs.dcss.mcmaster.ca
   How big your cache should be depends on what you're doing with your
computer.  For example, I have mine set up to use all 384K of
expanded memory, and to read up to 16 sectors in advance.  Working
with my favourite editor (90K) and Turbo C's TCC 2.0 to work on
C programs of 20-60K bytes of source code, I get around 55% cache
hits.  Working with the same editor and Clipper to work on an
application with about 10 source files averaging 10-15K, I get
about 70% cache hits.  Using a relatively small database application,
I get 85-90% cache hits (including loading in the program - 200K).
So as you can see, it varies.  So far today, I've loaded in some
comm software, switched to WP, gone back to the comm software,
and shelled out a couple of times to do disk directories, and my
hit rate is 66%.

   What the sizes for your cache and ramdisk should be depend on
what you're doing.  IF you're doing stuff that will all fit in
the ramdisk at once (or almost all), then you should have a really
big ramdisk and a small cache.  If you can't really use the ramdisk
too much, then it makes sense to have it only as big as you need
it and to have a much larger cache.  My brother has a 1M cache
in his machine and finds that for software development, it makes
a huge difference to performance.

   The more frequently you'll perform disk writes, the more
ramdisk and less cache you want.  But if most of what you're
doing is disk reads, and if you're likely to be reading stuff that
won't all fit into a ramdisk, you'd be better off to increase the
size of the cache.  That is, in general - there are no hard and
fast rules for this.

   Just in case you don't know this, though, don't use CORETEST or
something similar to try to determine your data transfer rate, since
it reads a small number of tracks over and over again and after the
first time, they'll all be in the cache (just out of interest, I
tried this once on my machine ... without the cache, it measured
the data transfer rate at just over 200k/s; with the cache, it jumped
to 5M/s).

Eric M. Boehm

cs4g6ag@maccs.dcss.mcmaster.ca (Stephen M. Dunn) (02/27/90)

In article <2559@leah.Albany.Edu> emb978@leah.Albany.Edu (Eric M. Boehm) writes:
$Included below are the responses I received to my question "What is the
$best way to determine cache size". 
$There are two viewpoints on caching:  One holds that a cache is like a
$special, high-speed RAMdisk that uses virtual memory to look huge.  From
$that viewpoint, you should go to a 3 or 4 Meg cache.  You might get very
$fast performance, since entire applications will be buffered onto the cache.
$(I'd love to do some C compilers with a cache that size.)  The other argument
$is that a cache is for repeated reads of one or two files, and should
$therefore be about as large as the largest file (or application) you will use.

   Well, the "ramdisk" view is pretty accurate _if_ you're only reading files
and not writing them, but once you start writing, a ramdisk will be so much
faster since it only involves a write to memory, while a disk cache requires
a write to the disk as well.  Almost all caches are write-through designs, which
means that as soon as you write something, it goes onto disk immediately.
The only exception to this that I know of is Super PC-Kwik, which is a
write-back design that will perform background writes while you're doing
something else with your PC.

   The repeated reads argument also has some validity, especially as it
applies to the directory and file allocation information if you're using
several files and opening and closing them a fair bit.

$From: jdudeck@polyslo.CalPoly.EDU (John R. Dudeck)
$If you want to try to do measurements, you probably will never get anything
$conclusive.  The reason for this is the way in which a cache works.  It holds
$the disk data that has been read, in the hopes that you will try to read the
$same data again, thus removing the need for a repeated disk access to that
$data.  If you keep reading the same data over and over, the cache will
$always get a hit, and you will have fantastic speed improvements over no
$cache at all.  If you read different data each time you read, there will
$be no improvement at all.  It all depends on how much your work rereads
$the same data without intervening reads of other data.  This can be
$determined easier on the back of an envelope than by doing benchmark

   So the point is that benchmark-type activity is meaningless, and I
agree.  So what you do is set up a disk cache and then do whatever you
normally do with the machine, and have a look at the cache statistics
at the end of the day.  Or, for smaller-scale timing, set up a cache and
then compile and link a program of whatever the typical size you use is
and see how long it takes without the cache or with various size caches.
If you keep in mind how a cache works, you can effectively test to see
how much of a performance difference it makes ... it's only if you
try doing the same thing over and over again that your results get
Stephen M. Dunn                               cs4g6ag@maccs.dcss.mcmaster.ca
          <std_disclaimer.h> = "\nI'm only an undergraduate!!!\n";
               I Think I'm Going Bald - Caress of Steel, Rush