Recently a friend of mine bought a WD1006 RLL disk controller. When he plugged it into his AST Premium 286 with a Paradise VGA clone, it didn't work. We tried the WD in my 386sx and it worked fine. I noticed the WD had an 8-bit BIOS so I suggested he change his Paradise VGA to 8-bit BIOS also, even though it was supposed to auto-sense that. He did it and now his computer works fine. The moral of the story is: beware of auto-sensing devices. If it doesn't work, try forcing everything in the 128Kbyte area to 8-bits. The reasons for this are highly technical and have been explained in a previous posting of mine. -- Phil Ngai, {uunet,decwrl,ucbvax}!amdcad!phil A PC without DESQview is like Unix without ^Z.