(S Somasundaram) (02/28/90)
As my previous posting suggested, I have the following problem: I had decided to change the power supply on my IBM-PC XT. I went to a local computer store (Delphi Compyters and Peripherals in Greenlake for the locals) and bought a 150W power supply that says it is meant as a replacement for XTs.The catch: I couldn't change the power supply without dislodging the hard and the floppy drives. Mine has one of each (D: and A:). There were some problems, but eventually I got the right connections and it started to work. When I put the cover back, the thing won't work. It gives (an error message I suppose) the following after whirring for about 20 seconds).... 1) Displays the message 7055 201 (yes, there's a space in between) 2) Beeps at you after some more time 3) The floppy drive keeps rotating till you power down. Read, it does not recognise a DOS diskette (same version) in drive A:. It used to just a day ago with the same symptoms. NOTHING ELSE TO REPORT. TRIES : I tried disconnecting the cables leading to drive A:, keeping the one on drive D: Result? 7055 201 601 (presumably, dirve a: missing/not ready message..) Now drive A: does not spin but an I/O is attempted on drive d:, I can see the light go on and THEN SILENCE. Sometimes the monitor is screwed up after a while. I disconnected both drives A: and D: from the main(?) board. Now I get 7055 201 FATAL DISK ERROR DRIVE NOT READY 601 After a while it goes into BASIC. (says 62940 K memory) Sorry if the details are boring but I have tried my best to solve before asking once again for NET WISDOM :( CONFIGURATION : IBM PC-XT 8088 W/ ONE HARD (D:) AND ONE FLOPPY DRIVE(A:) * LOW-LEVEL FORMAT USING DISKMANAGER JUST A FEW WEEKS AGO. * SEA GATE ST225 20MEG HARD DRIVE WITH XEBEC CONTROLLER. * UPWARDS OF 6 YEARS OLD. * ORIGIN OF PROBLEM : ATTEMPT TO CHANGE A 63.5W POWER SUPPLY TO A 150W ONE. * LOADED WITH TONS OF BOARDS. I AM NOT EVEN SURE OF WHAT IS WHAT * HAS CGA AND MONOCHROME MONITOR Thanks. e-mail is probably appropriate. I do read the net. Can ANY KIND GURU let me know where all these messages are documented? I don't speak binary or HEX and this is frustrating. What manual, I assume there is documentation, has explanations for these strange numbers and is there a troubleshooter's guide? I have tried looking into the DOS manual. NO GOOD. The technical ref. seems to written for those tortured souls who understand gibberish. Also