[comp.sys.ibm.pc] Monitor suggestions wanted

norm@bartek1.uucp (Norm Bartek) (03/01/90)

We're in the market for a 16" or 17" multi-frequency (ie: multi-scan)
monitor for use with a Paradise 8514A/Plus card. The board can handle either
interlace or non-interlace, so we will run non if the monitor supports it.

I've seen ads for the NEC 4D (16") and for the Samsung SyncMaster 4 (17").
The NEC is both interlace and non. I don't know about the Samsung. I've also
heard that SONY has several monitors out in the size range, but have no info
(great marketing on their part).

Any comments/suggestions would be appreciated, especially if you've actually
seen them.

-- norm --
Bartek Associates, Inc.       Comprehensive Computer Consulting Services
1020 Ponderosa                USENET: uunet!bartek1!norm, norm@bartek1.uu.net
Barrington, IL 60010-5800     PHONE:  +1 708 358 1007   FAX: +1 708 358 7241