[comp.sys.ibm.pc] Summary: Advanced Novell Network Monitoring

snowth@sas.UUCP (Bill Hansley) (03/16/90)

Many thanks to those who responded to my request last month for
advanced network monitoring tools for Novell networks. The 
informative and interesting replies I received are below - my
apologies for not getting these results posted sooner, but I 
wanted to try out a few of the suggestions to see which were 

The only one I've got arround to doing so far is Monitrix
by Cheyenne. After 4 phone calls asking them to send info and a copy
of the 2 week demo version, it finally came. Its been running a few
days and seems to generate some fairly useful information as well
as letting you automatically monitor some very informative things all
while being a background process on the server (VAP). 

You can interactively and automatically determine workstation 
configurations and network connections (although it can't find 
workstation connections on token ring through a bridge yet).
It supports point-to-point testing a good bit better than NetWare
Care does - it lets you set the number of packets, packet size,
packet rate, and tells you loss rates and transmission times.
Another feature is automatic monitoring of server characterstics.
You can have it notify you when any particular disk space limits
are reached, if connections are lost with any particular node on
the network (up to 100 monitorable), some printer monitoring
(if any of 64 printers go off line or generate errors), and
notification if a particular node has an arbitrarily high error
rate in network transmission.

Mainly what we're interested in is monitoring and logging of 
communications and load statistics of a few of our heavily used
servers after hours (when automated testing happens). Its tough
to track a net-load related problem when it only happens between
2 and 5 am during testing if you only have the tools Novell gives
you. Monitrix can generate log files for almost anythin that it can
monitor. It reports thse log files in either columnar ascii text
(which you can import into SAS ;-) or in dBase format.

It looks real favorable so far. If you think it sounds intersting,
call them and harass them into sending you a free two-week demo
copy. Call (516)484-5110 and ask for Lori Eisenstein. [No, this 
is a non-paid endorsement.]

Thanks again to all those who replied, 

Bill Hansley
SAS Institute


From ecsgate.uncecs.edu!ecsvax!utomg@rti
Tom Gray of UNC writes:

Here is a couple of suggestions:
    Cheyenne Software (sp?) has a VAP called MONITRIX, this
        has some reporting capabilities
     Microtest makes a hand held unit called a CABLE SCANNER,
     which is a low end TDR.  It also has the ability to capture
     data directly from an ethernet network and report the
     actual traffic statistics, either to a serial printer
     or a PC  (software is included).
    Hope this was some help.  Good Luck

From mcnc.org!gatech!ames!bridge2.ESD.3Com.COM!mar@rti Sat Feb  3 16:14 EST 1990
Mr. George Marshall (of 3Com, hmmm....) curiously writes:

Bill, I can't offer you any tools right now, but could you tell me what
you want to achieve by correlating this info?

George Marshall

From: mcnc.org!gatech!ucsd!crash.cts.com!viki@rti (Victoria Harkey)
Viki writes:

Sounds like you may need the Sniffer from NetWork general. If you have
a local dealer he'll be happy to come demo it for you. However, keep
in mind this solution is not cheap, but it will give you intensive
information. You can not"sniff" across a bridge, so you may only be able
to track data on one server. Good luck. 

Victoria Harkey
Integrated Systems Analysts, Inc.
(619) 556-6070

From: pilot.njin.net!ccoombs@rti (Cliff Coombs)
Cliff writes:

  We use monitrix from Cheyenne software, tel 516-484-5110 it's a
novell VAP and works real well.  Call they will send you a trial disk
that works for two weeks (nice).  We also use Saber menu and Saber
Meter.  They work great for us.

  Cliff Coombs                                          ccoombs@pilot.njin.net
  Campus Network Coordinator 	 	 		 admp03@turbo.kean.edu
  Kean College of New Jersey, Union, NJ, USA, Earth.        Fax (201) 355-5143
  Disclaimer: You can't quote me, I'm still on lunch...   Voice (201) 527-2729 

From: studsys.mu.edu!vanden@rti (vandenberg)
Tom Vandenberg writes:

I know of several.  We've used all three of them without any real conclusions.
Two problems w/ our conclusions are 1) we don't have a Lanalyzer, Sniffer, etc.
w/ which to correlate any stats and 2) we're not positive we we're using them 
correctly :-)

TXD by Thomas Conrad  1-800-332-8683
Netware Care by Novell 1-800-LANSWER
Monitrix by Cheyenne Software 1-800-243-9462
Sorry I can't be much more help.

Tom Vandenberg                {..uunet..uwvax!uwmcsd1..}!marque!studsys!vanden
vanden%studsys@marque.UUCP             {..uwvax..arpa..}!studsys.mu.edu!vanden
