tommyo (04/12/83)

We have a winner in the PICK THE OSCARS contest.  It was very close.
Three people had only 1 choice incorrect.  Mark Kahrs missed on supporting
actress, Al Sanders missed on supporting actor, and ihuxr!lew (No name was
signed, all I have is a path name) got stung on the picture.  Our
winner is Alexis Porras, from ihuxk, who was perfect in choosing the
winners.  Congratulations, Alexis!  For you who missed it, the winners were

Picture-Gandhi, Actor-Kingsley, Actress-Streep, S. Actor-Gossett
S. Actress-Lange, Director-Attenborough, Song-Up Where We Belong

And my award for best stretch job by an M.C. in a pinch goes to Dudley
Moore, who pulled things out about 2 minutes, waiting for the next
presenters to come on stage.

How did I do?  I was 3 for 7.  Heck, the guy running it shouldn`t win.

Tom O`Connor