[comp.sys.ibm.pc] EMM386 & Ram Parity Errors.

jdudeck@polyslo.CalPoly.EDU (John R. Dudeck) (03/23/90)

I just downloaded the Ramtest 3.0 program by Brown Bag Software from SIMTEL.
When I run it, I am getting errors in expanded memory.

It tells me that I have a couple of errors related to the parity chip.
When I select Parity Off from the ramtest menu, it does not report any

My system is an X'Golden 386/20 motherboard with 4mb of 80ns ram (1mb chips).
I am running MS-DOS 4.01.

I have had intermittent problems ever since I got the system, so I thought
I would try one of the ram test programs.

My problem is that if I do not load EMM386, it tells me that extended ram
is ok.  So is my problem in the ram or in EMM386?

I am not the only one who as mentioned errors relating to EMM386.  Perhaps
there is really a bug in it?

Has anyone else run into this kind of problem, and solved it by using a
different 386 expanded memory manager?  Which one?

John Dudeck                           "You want to read the code closely..." 
jdudeck@Polyslo.CalPoly.Edu             -- C. Staley, in OS course, teaching 
ESL: 62013975 Tel: 805-545-9549          Tanenbaum's MINIX operating system.