boerner@ut-emx.UUCP (Brendan B. Boerner) (03/23/90)
This is an article letting anyone who cares know what I did regarding my problem w/Quarterdeck's QEMM-386 v5.0. I have a Canon 386 with a Tall Tree Systems' Jlaser Plus SA (a board which lets me talk to an HP Laserjet II at 600x300 dpi). I also have a Logitech mouse and a Microtech scanner interface board. I was using QEMM to convert 3 MB of extended memory to expanded. My problems were a) when I tried to run the test program supplied by Tall Tree, my machine would lock up, and b) when I moved the mouse in MS Windows/286 v2.11, again the machine would lock up. I talked to a tech. person at Tall Tree who told me that they did know that their software would run using Qualitas' 386 Max memory manager and furthermore that they knew it would not work with QEMM. I was told that QD did not implement function calls 9 and 10 of the LIM 3.2 spec in QEMM. QD however, told me that they did implement the LIM 3.2 and 4.0 specs and that Tall Tree was using function calls from a previous spec which Qualitas' happened to support. Athough I don't know who is correct, 386 Max Professional did correct both problems. (I got the Professional version so I could load device drivers into High RAM). There is a major difference and one or two minor differences between the two products which I should note: As I understand it, QEMM works w/DESQview 2.26 to provide virtual-8086s for each open window. 386 Max cannot do this. While it would be nice if 386 Max could do this, I seem to be getting along fine without this capability. 386 Max also does not have the capability to load FILES and BUFFERS into high memory as QEMM does. Also, the manual states that when running multitasking software such as DV or MS Windows, it is important to reserve some space in High RAM as a swapping region. I did find that reserving a 48K swapping region did allow my window size to increase to 512K. However, under QEMM, this was not neccessary and since I could load FILES and BUFFERS high I was able to get a window size of 560K. Because of this, I am using the QEMM at work on a Zenith 386/33 where I don't have the Jlaser or a Logitech mouse. :-) If anyone has any questions about my experiences with the two products, drop my a line and I'll be happy to answer any questions. Brendan -- Brendan B. Boerner Phone: 512/471-3241 Microcomputer Technologies The University of Texas @ Austin Internet: UUCP: ...!!ut-emx!boerner BITNET: CCGB001@UTXVM.BITNET AppleLink:
Ralf.Brown@B.GP.CS.CMU.EDU (03/23/90)
In article <26701@ut-emx.UUCP>, boerner@ut-emx.UUCP (Brendan B. Boerner) wrote: }I talked to a tech. person at Tall Tree who told me that they did know }that their software would run using Qualitas' 386 Max memory manager }and furthermore that they knew it would not work with QEMM. I was }told that QD did not implement function calls 9 and 10 of the LIM 3.2 }spec in QEMM. QD however, told me that they did implement the LIM 3.2 }and 4.0 specs and that Tall Tree was using function calls from a }previous spec which Qualitas' happened to support. Athough I don't According to the info I have, those two calls are from the LIM EMS 3.0 spec, and are undocumented in the LIM EMS 3.2 spec. -- UUCP: {ucbvax,harvard}!!ralf -=- 412-268-3053 (school) -=- FAX: ask ARPA: BIT: FIDO: Ralf Brown 1:129/46 "How to Prove It" by Dana Angluin Disclaimer? I claimed something? 16. proof by cosmology: The negation of the proposition is unimaginable or meaningless. Popular for proofs of the existence of God.
sysop@tlvx.UUCP (SysOp) (03/25/90)
In article <26701@ut-emx.UUCP>, boerner@ut-emx.UUCP (Brendan B. Boerner) writes: > This is an article letting anyone who cares know what I did regarding > my problem w/Quarterdeck's QEMM-386 v5.0. ... > There is a major difference and one or two minor differences between > the two products which I should note: > > As I understand it, QEMM works w/DESQview 2.26 to provide > virtual-8086s for each open window. 386 Max cannot do this. While it What are you referring to? I use 386-to-the-Max with DesqView, and it allows me to run a few programs at once, each one with over 400K. (So, I know it's using the extended-turned-expanded, and not the 640K!) So far, it hasn't been terribly useful (since what I run in the background merely takes yet more time to get done....). I'm hoping it will occasionally have its uses though. The lastest version of 386Max (4.08 I think?) has a new flag which has something to do with multitasking.. perhaps this makes a difference? > would be nice if 386 Max could do this, I seem to be getting along > fine without this capability. 386 Max also does not have the > capability to load FILES and BUFFERS into high memory as QEMM does. > Also, the manual states that when running multitasking software such ...
boerner@ut-emx.UUCP (Brendan B. Boerner) (03/26/90)
In article <258@tlvx.UUCP> sysop@tlvx.UUCP (SysOp) writes: >What are you referring to? I use 386-to-the-Max with DesqView, and it allows >me to run a few programs at once, each one with over 400K. (So, I know it's >using the extended-turned-expanded, and not the 640K!) So far, it hasn't >been terribly useful (since what I run in the background merely takes yet >more time to get done....). I'm hoping it will occasionally have its uses >though. The QEMM/DV combination will allow applications which write directly to the screen to run in the background AND in a small window without writing outside of that apps. window. For instance, while I was using QEMM, I would run Turbo Pascal v5.0 in a small window in the background without having my foreground window written over. When using 386Max, when I made the window small and then zoomed it back to fullsize, parts of the Turbo screen were missing (menu bar, status line, etc...). I then told DV that Turbo DID write directly to the screen and that took care of that problem. However, when I started a compile and then made the window small, the compile was paused. If I left it in a full screen window and brought another app. to the foreground, the info concerning lines compiled overwrote my foreground apps. text (I told DV that Turbo could run in the background). >The lastest version of 386Max (4.08 I think?) has a new flag which has something >to do with multitasking.. perhaps this makes a difference? No, I think you might be referring to AMRS (Alternate Map Register Sets). Anyway, a tech. person I talked to at Qualitas told me that they didn't know the exact protocol QEMM and DV were using to get this virtual-8086 capability so couldn't do it. He also couldn't tell me if they would be able to provide this functionality in a future version. Brendan -- Brendan B. Boerner Phone: 512/471-3241 Microcomputer Technologies The University of Texas @ Austin Internet: UUCP: ...!!ut-emx!boerner BITNET: CCGB001@UTXVM.BITNET AppleLink: