[comp.sys.ibm.pc] PBS and viruses

rjd@cs.brown.edu (Rob Demillo) (03/28/90)

First of all, let me start out by saying I really
like Public Brand Software. (PBS...srry if you thought this
was about Public TV :) ) They do a hell of a service, and I order from
them a few times a year.

OK, now, on to my gripe...

In PBS's "virus killer" section, they make the statement
that "despite media claims, viruses are rare..." If they are
rare, I'd like to see what they consider common.

I own both an IBM machine and an Atari ST. Viruses, or destructive
software, have attacked my IBM twice and my Atari 3 times. 
(The last time was just a week ago. I uploaded an ST program that
claimed to allow multiple users to sign on via the RS232 ports...I
checked the program out with virus programs...I unplugged my hard
disk..I started it up...it did what it was supposed to. I
plugged the hard disk back in, started it up again...the speaker
emitted a digitized "HAHAHAHA" and my hard disk light came on....)

The point is, the media should not hype virus problems, but
popular companies like PBS should not "underplay" them either...

Just a comment....

 - Rob DeMillo			| Internet: 	 rjd@brown.cs.edu     
   Brown University 		| Also Internet: demillo@juliet.ll.mit.edu
   Planetary Science Group	| Reality: 401-273-0804 (home)
"I say you *are* the Messiah, Lord! And I ought to know, I've followed a few!"