prudence@trw-unix.UUCP (05/25/83)
I saw the new Cheech and Chong movie, "Still Smoking," last weekend. My life will not have been in vain if I can save just one netter from seeing this movie. My LORD, this is one incoherent flick. The style, wit, and continuity of the earlier C&C movies are absent from this one. It seems like the movie was a slap-dash film of the latest C&C stand-up routines. The routines may be bearable to an audi- ence sharing a communal experience (and probably under Columbian influences), but the shticks just fall flat on the big screen. Unfortunately, the movie will probably make a bundle, just like the first four. I guess this shows how desperate we all are for a good comedy. Charlie Chaplin, where are you now that we need you? Prudence {ucbvax!decvax}trw-unix!prudence