[comp.sys.ibm.pc] Print-Screen for VGA

robert@ireq.hydro.qc.ca (R.Meunier 8516) (04/13/90)

	I post this before but didn't receive any answer.

	I'm actually using a graphic package that does not
print on laser printer. I would like to make a print-screen
from a VGA (or EGA) to an HP LaserJet II. Is there a PD 
(or commercial) utility that does it.

Robert Meunier                     Institut de Recherche d'Hydro-Quebec
Ingenieur                          1800 Montee Ste-Julie, Varennes
Internet: robert@ireq.hydro.qc.ca  Qc, Canada, J3X 1S1 

jmerrill@jarthur.Claremont.EDU (Confusion Reigns) (04/14/90)

In article <804@s3.ireq.hydro.qc.ca> robert@ireq.hydro.qc.ca () writes:
>	I'm actually using a graphic package that does not
>print on laser printer. I would like to make a print-screen
>from a VGA (or EGA) to an HP LaserJet II. Is there a PD 
>(or commercial) utility that does it.

Part of the MS-Kermit 3.01 distribution is a program which does screendumps
to a PCL printer.  I don't know what it supports, exactly, not having one
myself, but the READ.ME says, 

"Graphics printer driver for Hewlett-Packard Laser series printers on systems
 with EGA or VGA video adaptors and higher resolution video modes, including
 super VGA."

It is available for anonymous FTP from watsun.cc.columbia.edu, in the
/kermit/bin directory.  The filename is "msphpl.exe".

Jason Merrill				jmerrill@jarthur.claremont.edu
DISCLAIMER:  I tried mail, but it bounced.