[net.movies] Joe Bob Goes to the Drive-In #6

BowlesSR.dlos@PARC-MAXC.ARPA (06/02/83)

w in right here that France has  gone 
communist,  and so nothing works right over here.   Like the last 
time  I  tried to send an article back from France,  the lady  at 
Western  Union *claimed* she didn't know how to  spell  garbonza.  
That's  how they get you--some ridiculous little thing like that.  
You gotta watch those frogs.)

     Okay,  so you're probly thinking,  "Okay,  Joe Bob,  what in 
heck  are  you still doing over there,  laying on  the  beach  or 
something?"  Course not.   Beaches are fairly disgusting anywhere 
you go,  even Padre,  but over here they're skinny little numbers 
with  rocks on them,  and even if there weren't a lot of  pitiful 
little  French garbonzas out there,  I wouldn't go near the place 
because you might not know this,  but they never learned to shave 
their  armpit  hair  over  here.   That's  a  true  by-God  fact.  

     Nope.   What  I been doing is finding the best durn  outdoor 
flick of 1983.  And I wanta tell you, it hasn't been easy.

     I'm  kind of proud of myself,  because a lot of people  say, 
"Joe  Bob,  you're a sexist and a jerk,  but mostly you're just a 
sexist."  I'd like to disprove that right here and now.

     We're talking Amazon women.

     We're talking humongous, if you know what I mean.

     We're talking so many dead bodies that even Joe Bob couldn't 
count 'em.

     We're talking "Hundra."

     "Hundra"  is this flick about a blonde bimbo who's the  only 
one  to get out alive when her nomad Amazon woman camp  is  raped 
and pillaged and burned up by a bunch of boys from the next town.  
I'm telling you,  these bimbos get hacked up until it's chop suey 

     You  may  be  wondering why Hundra don't get sliced  into  a 
salami  sandwich  with all the others.   It's because  she's  out 
"getting meat" for the tribe.

     Hundra is played by Laurene Landon,  who was a lady wrestler 
in "All the Marbles" and is quite a fine fox,  but when she  gets 
back  to the village of pillage she's p.o.ed.   These Vikings  in 
horn  hats  are  finishing everything off.   Heads  are  rolling.  
Paint the forest red.  The works.

     Then  the  Viking geeks see Hundra,  and they  take  off  on 
horseback  after  her,  only she stops behind a rock  and  starts 
picking them off with a bow and arrow.   She has to take on about 
30 of them at once.

     She goes for knives, pickaxe, regular axes, and those little 
stars  that  you  spin  through the air and  hope  they  land  in 
somebody's  throat.   But her main weapon is she hicks 'em in the 
legs, if you know what I mean and I think you do.

     Finishes 'em all off, doesn't even get her hair dirty.  Time 
to go see the old lady of the tribe,  sitting on her throne in  a 
cave.   The old lady says, well, Hundra, that's too bad about the 
village of pillage,  but, hey, get with the program, you gotta go 
get pregnant or there's no more tribe.

     Hundra says,  "No man will ever penetrate by body,  with his 
sword or himself."

     I'm very familiar with this line,  and I have to give credit 
to  the old lady,  she handled it pretty well.   Convinced Hundra 
she  had to head south to the land of the sign of the  bull,  but 
before Hundra gets there, she's attacked by a painted midget with 
a  pitchfork.   Hundra doesn't kill the little guy but  she  does 
take his pitchfork and break it in half.  I should have mentioned 
before--Hundra loves to break spears in half.

     Next Hundra decides to take a bath in the ocean while riding 
on her horse.  Good for Hundra.

     Anyway,  I  gotta leave out a bunch of Hundra's  adventures, 
but  it finally comes down to Hundra going to the walled city  of 
the  Sign of the Bull,  where women are herded up like cattle and 
fed  to  the slobbering men in the castle.   It's a  fairly  good 
place to get pregnant, since that's about all the women do there, 
but for some reason Hundra doesn't care for it.  There's only one 
guy Hundra want to do it to her, but the guy thinks Hundra is one 
big  turnoff.   So  she has to learn the arts of  being  a  woman 
before  the  guy will agree to ...  well,  let me just  say  that 
Hundra does go back for more.

     We're  talking outdoor classic.   We're talking the kind  of 
stuff  you  can't  say  in the  paper,  especially  in  communist 
countries.   We are talking in excess of 70 corpses.   Heads roll 
repeatedly.  We're only talking 14 breasts because I don't  count 
the  dead ones.   No motor vehicle chases,  but one orgy makes up 
for it.   Great Kung Fu.  I'm afraid I need an immediate drive-in 
premiere so I can award this movie the four stars it deserves and 
start it on the ladder of success.

     I've got France checked out now,  and I gotta get out of the 
country  anyhow because Wanda Bodine showed up over here  despite 
all my efforts to prevent it.  We're talking a madwoman.

     Check you later.


Dear Quiche Breath:

     Your  philanthropy  and  patriotism  in  sponsoring   Breast 
Awareness  Week is highly commendable and for such concern toward 
the female side of the general public,  I salute  you!   However, 
being  a  person  of  the  female persuasion  I  do  have  a  few 
complaints about sex discrimination in modern filmmaking.   Since 
you  seem  to have such a caring and sympathetic attitude  toward 
women  (nekkid or otherwise),  I felt that you were the  specific 
person to contact.

     M  do not know precisely how represive the high sheriffs  of 
the  Times Herald are in their censorship (or how  severely  they 
will  beat  you (you know you love it!) if you attempt  to  print 
this) but, here goes!

     Numero  uno:   I want to see some male flesh (we're  talking 
[censored]) on the screen!

     Numero two-o:   How about some women (besides that sniveling 
weenie-breath Jamie Lee Curtis) getting mad and stomping mudholes 
(and  walking  them dry) in some of these creepola perverts  that 
are ALWAYS abusing poor, naive bimbos and porkchops!

     Numero  Three-o:   We  need some men in cages  flicks  (with 
women guards of course)!...

     I  await  you  championship of my holy  crusade  with  bated 

Very truly yours,
Josephine Roberta

Dear Josephine:

     Numero uno:  Check out "Screwballs" for male exposure.

     Numero  two-o:   This summer you can check out "Play  Dead."  
Yvonne  de  Carlo lives in a big house on Armstrong Parkway  with 
her killer dog Greta.

     Numero three-o:  Men in cages?  You didn't see "Penitentiary 
II"? Gimme a break.


Reprinted  without permission from Dallas Times Herald,  May  27, 