[comp.sys.ibm.pc] Writing a mouse driver. Any help??

finkel@TAURUS.BITNET (05/03/90)

Hello everyone!

I have a very non standard PC configuration. I have a PC motherboard who's
keyboard input is actually controlled by a program running on another
computer (Amiga). The Amiga runs a small program which intercepts the
Amiga keyboard and simulates the behaviour of the PC keyboard ( converting
Amiga scan codes to PC scan codes, sending them over a serial line with
a clock line and a data line, right into the PC's keyboard input socket. )

I want to write a mouse driver for the PC in order to use the Amiga mouse
with the PC. I would appreciate anyone who could point me in the direction
of either:

1. Demo source code of a mouse **driver** , preferrably in C, but 80X86
   Assembly is just fine.
2. Information about the serial data stream generated by a PC serial mouse.

I also haven't decided yet how to implement the communication part:

What is the best method to add a mouse interface through the keyboard interface?
should I use undefined scan codes only, or should I use an undefined scan code
only as a prefix to general message from the Amiga? I want the mouse interface
to be unnoticeable to TSR's that intercept INT 09H . Most of the TSR's I've
seen simply call the normal INT 09H, and then check the keyboard buffer.
If I add my own INT 09H TSR, which will remove the scan codes used for mouse
communication from the keyboard buffer.

If a TSR will read the scan code from the hardware without calling the old INT
09H, it will find the mouse codes as well, which isn't a good idea, to say
the least ;-). Should I used only unassigned scan codes for the communication?
I hope that TSR's will simply ignore scan codes they don't know!. If I'll
use an unassigned scan codes as a prefix to a more general mouse message,
the message itself ( which might contain legal scan codes ) will be 'swallowed'
by a TSR which directly reads scan codes using the hardware registers.

Any ideas?

Please respond by mail since our net conenctions are VERY unreliable, and
I desperately need this information. I've been looking for the information
I request for over 2 months with no luck. I will post a summary of all the
replies I got.


Udi Finkelstein       | Bitnet:   finkel@taurus.bitnet or finkel@math.tau.ac.il
Tel Aviv University   | Internet: finkel%taurus.bitnet@cunyvm.cuny.edu
Israel                | UUCP:     ...!psuvax1!taurus.bitnet!finkel