[comp.sys.ibm.pc] Adaptec 2070 + WD MFM ctrlrs in 386/AT ?

pnl@hpfinote.HP.COM (Peter Lim) (05/04/90)

> I want to be able to put a standard Western Digital IBM PC/AT 2 floppy
> f hard drive (MFM) controller card (e.g. the WD 1006 VMM2) PLUS an
> Adaptec 2070 (8-bit, out of date and out of production and no
> longer supported by its own manufacturer, sigh) RLL controller card
> in to a pretty standard 80386-SX AT-bus clone, so that I can get
> more than two hard drives in the system (I run Unix and need disk 
> space but don't want to spend money and I have this extra 2070 board
> to play with) - if anyone has any real experience and suggestions on
> this I'd be much appreciative; Western Digital and Adaptex are
> both very happy to sell me new controllers, but that defeats the
> purpose of tdoing this dirt-cheaply. Any other inexpensive solutions
> would be appreciated as well!

Well, assuming your RLL card is fully functional and that you know how
to get it up and running with the particular OS you intend to run;
I would say, pull out the MFM controller, stick in the RLL controller
and reformat the two drive to increase capacity by 50% (assuming your
MFM drive will work with RLL format) .... which is a hell of a lot of
assumption  :-).

Want to put more than 2 HD's ?? *NO CAN DO*. For controllers, MFM, RLL
& ESDI *DO NOT* live together happily (period). If you really want, a
SCSI controller and drive is the only possible addition.

Regards,                       ## Life is fast enough as it is ........
Peter Lim.                     ## .... DON'T PUSH IT !!          >>>-------,
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