[comp.sys.ibm.pc] virus from Japan

rfc@briar.Philips.Com (Robert Casey) (05/06/90)

E radio packet:

 Msg# TSF  Size #Rd Date/Time MsgID        From   To
25681 BF   3274   0 0503/1054 13249_NA2B   N2IXL  VIRUS@NYNET ()
  Sb: Virus in Japanese Software

  From:    Yoshio Oyanagi <oyanagi@is.tsukuba.ac.jp>
 Subject: Virus found in Japanese game software (Sharp)
						Yoshio Oyanagi

University of Tsukuba, Japan Newspapers reported on April 24 that a
virus was found in a simulation game software "FAR SIDE MOON" (9500
yen) for Sharp personal computer X68000.  It has been sold by Artdink
Inc.  since April 13 in Japan.  The virus was detected by Computer
Virus Institute (Takao Yamamoto, director) of Federation of Japanese
Computer Clubs.  According to Yamamoto, this virus is programmed so
that it keeps inactive until July and after that data on floppy or in
the computer will automatically be erased whenever one switches on the
computer.  So far 3000 sets have been sold, among which half are
contaminated.  It is conjectured that the computers in Artdink Inc.
are invaded by the virus while developping the game software.  Today
(May 2) Asahi Shinbun (one of the major daily newspaper in Japan)
disclosed that it succeeded in making contact with one of the virus
makers.  According to the report, the maker is a high school boy of age
17, who lives in Kagawa prefecture.  Forty people collaborated in
making the virus and got several tens of thousand yen (several hundred
dollars) for each from the client, who ordered through PC network for
hackers.  The virus program was completed in three months and
distributed secretly since last September.  Federation of Japanese
Computer Clubs told that there have been two viruses (viri?) for
X68000, named "Namba I" and "Namba II".  "Namba I" becomes active on
July 4 this year and it deletes data on the computer or foppy disks.
If the computer is contaminated with both "Namba I" and "Namba II",
some X68000 do not accept any floppy after 0:00 May 2.  The federation
has developped a vaccine and distributing it among PC shops and users.
If, however, a computer is contaminated with both viruses, it does not
even accept the floppy disk of the vaccine.  In this case, user should
bring the computer to the maker and ask to change the parts.

1332z, 757 msgs, #25693 last @KD6TH-4 MailBox>

bakke@plains.UUCP (Jeffrey P. Bakke) (05/06/90)

In article <94376@philabs.Philips.Com> rfc@briar.Philips.Com (Robert Casey) writes:
... Note, Robert Casey posted this as a forward message from bitnet....
..... Etc about the NAMBA Virus and such....
>If, however, a computer is contaminated with both viruses, it does not
>even accept the floppy disk of the vaccine.  In this case, user should
>bring the computer to the maker and ask to change the parts.

Excuse me for asking but how would a virus ever manage to corrupt actual
hardware so that you have to go to the maker and ask for new parts??? 

I realize that the harddisk can get taken over by the virus but it seem that
you could just low level format it to wipe that out.....  Is there something
I'm missing here???

Jeffrey P. Bakke     | Internet: bakke@plains.NoDak.edu | "Life, don't talk
2550 15th Str S #23B | UUCP    : ...!plains!bakke       |  to me about life..."
Fargo, ND  58105     | BITNET  : bakke@plains           |   - Marvin

cg108fep@icogsci1.ucsd.edu (Dennis Lou) (05/07/90)

In article <94376@philabs.Philips.Com> rfc@briar.Philips.Com (Robert Casey) writes:
>17, who lives in Kagawa prefecture.  Forty people collaborated in
>making the virus and got several tens of thousand yen 

You can get rich from this stuff??? hmmmm....
Anybody need a good virus?  I could come
up with an undetectable one in about three months. :-) :-) :-)

>(several hundred dollars) for each from the client, who ordered 
>through PC network for hackers.  
>The virus program was completed in three months and

Only a couple hundred $$$?!?!?
On the other hand, perhaps I could market vaccines instead... :-)
:-) :-)

Dennis Lou                        Still in need of a job (sigh!)...
or cg108fep@icogsci1.ucsd.edu

mead@uxh.cso.uiuc.edu (05/09/90)

In responses to Jeffrey Bakke's comment (which - and I'm paraphrasing -
was "How can a virus kill hardware (dead)"):

Is it not possible (in fact, has it not been seen?) that a virus can
wipe the ROM?  THis would mean sending the motherboard back as dead,
yes?  Also, I've seen programs that allow one to (I believe) record
and even edit the contents of ROM (I thought it was read ONLY memory).
Would these be a defense against this type of attack?

Finally, I'm confused, who pays virus writers (Apple?:)?  Well, I guess
I meant why?

Feel free to email, this is a monster of a group.

-alan mead : mead@uxh.cso.uiuc.edu