[comp.sys.ibm.pc] FTP

rbourass@udenva.cair.du.edu (Mr. Photography) (09/13/88)

Could someone please E-mail me a small list of anonymous FTP stations?


vu0112@bingvaxu.cc.binghamton.edu (Cliff Joslyn) (10/09/88)

Could it just be posted?  Or add me to the list, too, please. . .

| Cliff Joslyn, Cybernetician at Large
| Systems Science, SUNY Binghamton, vu0112@bingvaxu.cc.binghamton.edu
V All the world is biscuit shaped. . .

kaldis@topaz.rutgers.edu (Theodore A. Kaldis) (10/11/88)

In article <1493@bingvaxu.cc.binghamton.edu> vu0112@bingvaxu.cc.binghamton.edu (Cliff Joslyn) writes:

> Could it just be posted?  Or add me to the list, too, please. . .

And me . . .
              Theodore A. Kaldis                      |  "Perhaps we may
              +-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-                      |   frighten away
      email:  kaldis@topaz.rutgers.edu                |   the ghost of so
       UUCP:  {...}!rutgers!topaz.rutgers.edu!kaldis  |   many years ago
 U.S. Snail:  P.O. Box #1212, Woodbridge, NJ  07095   |   with a little
    Ma Bell:  (201) 283-4855  (voice)                 |   illumination . . ."

srb@beta.lanl.gov ( Steve Berger ) (10/13/88)

In article <1493@bingvaxu.cc.binghamton.edu> vu0112@bingvaxu.cc.binghamton.edu.cc.binghamton.edu (Cliff Joslyn) writes:
>Could it just be posted?  Or add me to the list, too, please. . .

  I would also be interested in this.  I think enough people are interested
  that it is worth posting.

  Steve Berger


allbery@ncoast.UUCP (Brandon S. Allbery) (10/16/88)

As quoted from <1572@nunki.usc.edu> by seligson@sal31.usc.edu (Richard Seligson):
| In article <10797@udenva.cair.du.edu> rbourass@udenva.cair.du.edu (Mr. Photography) writes:
| >Could someone please E-mail me a small list of anonymous FTP stations?
| I would appreciate it if I could be sent this small list too.

Me too.  (If possible, include IP addresses; the machine where I *finally*
have FTP access doesn't use named for ftp and has a remarkably incomplete
/etc/hosts.)  A short description of using anonymous FTP might be in order
as well, as the manpage for "ftp" is typical UN*X....

Brandon S Allbery uunet!hal.cwru.edu!ncoast!allbery allbery%ncoast@hal.cwru.edu
(LAST RESORT ONLY:  allbery@uunet.uu.net)			DELPHI: ALLBERY
comp.sources.misc is moving off ncoast -- please do NOT send submissions direct
	  "So many articles, so little time...."  -- The Line-Eater

tr@wind.bellcore.com (tom reingold) (10/19/88)

The Internet consists of thousands and thousands of hosts.  Most
support ftp.  The question is not which ones have ftp.  The question
is which ones have stuff of interest to download.

I think you can get a list of hosts from sri-nic.arpa.  Log in as
anonymous using ftp.  You should be able to find the list.  I don't
know how useful it will be.

Tom Reingold
PAPERNET:                      |INTERNET:       tr@bellcore.bellcore.com
Bell Communications Research   |UUCP-NET:       bellcore!tr
445 South St room 2L350        |SOUNDNET:       (201) 829-4622 [work],
Morristown, NJ 07960-1910      |                (201) 287-2345 [home]

johnny@edvvie.at (Johann Schweigl) (09/30/89)

I am *VERY URGENTLY* searching for the address of FTP (they have TCP/IP
products for the PC). Please can anybody tell me?
Reply by email.
Thanks, Johnny
       EDV Ges.m.b.H Vienna              Johann Schweigl    
       Hofmuehlgasse 3 - 5               USENET: johnny@edvvie.at
       A-1060 Vienna, Austria      Tel: (0043) (222) 59907 257 (8-19 CET)

wbe@bbn.com (Winston Edmond) (10/08/89)

I tried to reply to you by mail directly, but my mailer didn't like
"edvvie.at" as a domain name.

   Try:	FTP Software, Inc.
	501 Cambridge St.
	Cambridge, MA  02141
	(U.S.) 617-868-4878 [phone]


madd@bu-cs.BU.EDU (Jim Frost) (10/08/89)

In article <46653@bbn.COM> wbe@BBN.COM (Winston Edmond) writes:
|Try:	FTP Software, Inc.
|	501 Cambridge St.
|	Cambridge, MA  02141
|	(U.S.) 617-868-4878 [phone]

They have moved, although I would be surprised if you couldn't find
out to where by either mailing or calling the old address/number.
Sorry but I don't have the new address.

jim frost

lufkin@hpccc.HP.COM (Paul Lufkin) (10/11/89)

|Try:	FTP Software, Inc.
|	501 Cambridge St.
|	Cambridge, MA  02141
|	(U.S.) 617-868-4878 [phone]

> They have moved, although I would be surprised if you couldn't find
> out to where by either mailing or calling the old address/number.

Their new address:
	FTP Software, Inc.
	26 Princess Street
	Wakefield, MA 01880-3004
	Phone: (617) 246-0900
	Fax: (617)246-0901

Paul Lufkin, Jr. | HP Application Support Division | lufkin@hpccc

kdunn@lehi3b15.csee.Lehigh.EDU (Kevin Dunn) (03/29/90)

   I know that this is the wrong newsgroup, but this is as close as I can get.

    Some time ago in netland there was a shell script posted called
 autoftp30.sh...   It (you guessed it) created the needed UNIX files to
autoftp.   In my infinite wisdom in trying to remove a quirk from my 
subdirectory, I deleted it..  I would appriciate any info on this script, and
again I apologize for using the wrong newsgroup.  Thanks..

ts@uwasa.fi (Timo Salmi LASK) (03/30/90)

In article <862@lehi3b15.csee.Lehigh.EDU> kdunn@lehi3b15.csee.Lehigh.EDU (Kevin Dunn) writes:
>   I know that this is the wrong newsgroup, but this is as close as I can get.
>    Some time ago in netland there was a shell script posted called
> autoftp30.sh...   It (you guessed it) created the needed UNIX files to
>autoftp.   In my infinite wisdom in trying to remove a quirk from my 
>subdirectory, I deleted it..  I would appriciate any info on this script, and
>again I apologize for using the wrong newsgroup.  Thanks..

Just get /pc/unix/autoftp3.zoo at chyde.uwasa.fi, Vaasa, Finland. 
(Incidentally, the newsgroup comp.binaries.ibm.pc.d would have been
still closer, since this has to do with obtaining PC files, but I
see no problem here.)

Prof. Timo Salmi        (Moderating at anon. ftp site
School of Business Studies, University of Vaasa, SF-65101, Finland
Internet: ts@chyde.uwasa.fi Funet: gado::salmi Bitnet: salmi@finfun

kauffman@sun.udel.edu (Philip I Kauffman) (05/10/90)

I am quite new to ftp and I was wondering if anybody out there could send
me a listing of some ftp sites for the ibm pc/xt/ps2/etc....

Thanks in advance.

Philip Kauffman

nelson@sun.soe.clarkson.edu (Russ Nelson) (05/10/90)

The monthly (or so) posting on grape:

Grape.ecs.clarkson.edu is a Zenith Z-248 running MS-DOS.  We use a
modified version of KA9Q's TCP/IP NET that allows you to shell out to
COMMAND.COM while still processing packets.  Grape is attached to the
Internet using a NI6510 Ethernet card donated by Racal Interlan for
that purpose.  After shelling to DOS, we run an Opus BBS.  The

Almost all files are stored in .ZIP format.  A .ZIP file contains a group
of files that have been compressed to save space.  You need an unzipper
to access these files.  Either PKzip102 or dezip20 will suffice.

A catalog of all files on grape is in /d/general/catalog.zip.

ZIP: Version 1.01+ required.  Versions 0.90 and 0.92 do NOT work.
FTP: grape.ecs.clarkson.edu [], any username&&password will work.
     00readme for timely information.
     /d/general/pkzip102.exe for Phil Katz's shareware ZIPper
     /d/general/dezip20.com for a FREE unzipper.
     /d/general/catalog.zip for the software catalog.
     /c/bin[123]/*.* for c.b.i.p postings [under renovation]
     /e/bin[45]/*.* for c.b.i.p postings [under renovation]
     /d/graphics/pa.zip for Painter's Apprentice
     /d/dosutil/postprn.zip for the PostScript device driver
     /e/freemacs/*.* for Freemacs
     /d/games/*.* for games.
     /e/games/*.* for Simtel20's games.
     /?/*/files.bbs for one-line description of files.
Opus: 260/360 in the Nodelist.  (315)268-6667, 8N1, 1200/2400 Baud, 24 hours.
     file area 7 for PostPrn.
     file area 12 for Painter's Apprentice
     file area 23 for Simtel20's games.
     file area 25 for Freemacs
     file area 26 for c.b.i.p postings.

Mail questions to root@grape.ecs.clarkson.edu
--russ (nelson@clutx [.bitnet | .clarkson.edu])  Russ.Nelson@$315.268.6667
Violence never solves problems, it just changes them into more subtle problems