wozniak@utkux1.utk.edu (Bryon Lape) (05/28/90)
Wow!! Some ppl were able to read through my temper tantrum and give me real advice!! Others, however, were not sure mature. Thanks to those who rose above my stupidity. In case anyone is wondering, below is my config.sys file. I know that the apostropes are illegel, but they do keep stuff from being loaded into memory. The /E option on the spooler tells it to use exteneded memory (20k). Also, I tried to use loadhi.sys for ansi.sys, but that also hung the system out to dry. I am now using PC-Mag's ansi.com to replace ansi.sys. DEVICE=C:\QEMM.SYS X=A000-C744 NOSORT EXTMEM=20 ROM DMA=128 RAM DEVICE=\DOS\SYS\SPOOLER.SYS 20 /E 'DEVICE=C:\CDROM\AMDEK.SYS /N:1 /D:AMDEKCD /P:300 SHELL=C:\COMMAND.COM C:\ /P /E:2048 'DEVICE=\DOS\SYS\ANSI.SYS 'DEVICE=\DOS\SYS\MOUSE.SYS 'DEVICE=E:\DRIVERS\IBMBW.SYS 'DEVICE=E:\DRIVERS\IBMCO.SYS 'DEVICE=E:\DRIVERS\HIDMPL.SYS 'DEVICE=E:\DRIVERS\TOSHIBA.SYS 'DEVICE=E:\DRIVERS\GSSCGI.SYS /T LASTDRIVE=Z FILES=48 BUFFERS=48 -bryon lape-