[comp.sys.ibm.pc] Hard drive help

russell@ALF.UNOMAHA.EDU (Tim Russell) (05/27/90)

Hi all,

    I recently acquired a Seagate ST225 20meg hard drive.  My 386 PC already
has a Seagate 40meg drive in it, and I'd like to make that drive 1 and put
the 20meg in as drive 0.  Can anyone tell me what jumpers need to be changed
on the back of the drive for drive select, terminating, etc?  They're not
labelled and I don't have docs, since both drives were bought at auctions.


aragorn@csd4.csd.uwm.edu (Steve J White) (05/28/90)

On the back of the Seagate there is a bank of jumper pins.  If the drive I/F
cable has a twist in it BOTH drives should be set for drive select 2, or 1 if
your drive has a 0 setting.  Set the Seagate to the second jumper in from the 
left when looking at the back of the drive with the controler card down.  This
sets the drive as select 2.  Again, both drives should be set this way IFF 
is a twist in the cable (the wider one).  If there is no twist then the boot
drive should be select 1 and the second as 2, or 0 and 1 respectively depending
on the drives markings.

- Steve

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[]  Steve J. White		 |  "A spirit with a vision is a dream     []
[]  aragorn@csd4.csd.uwm.edu     |       with a mission."    - Rush        []
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