[comp.sys.ibm.pc] misc computer parts for sale

pa1568@sdcc13.ucsd.edu (Dennis Lou) (05/31/90)


I open my parts drawer, and I what do I see?  I see:

1 - Original IBM XT 83 key keyboard 				$35/obo
	(Impress your friends with a real IBM PC label on the keyboard)

1 - XT comptabile floppy disk controller			$15/obo
	(half card, handles up to 4 floppies)

2 - Teac 55BR 360k 5.25" floppy disk drives			$40/obo
	(have both beige and black faceplates)

1 - Western Digital 16 bit AT MFM hard/floppy controller	$70/obo
	(Full length; unused, bought by mistake, I need RLL)

1 - broken US Robotics 2400 baud modem				$???
	(full length card; locks the system when dialing)

1 - Seagate half card RLL hard disk controller			$???
	(can't get it to format properly)

1 - 8088-2 CPU							$???
	(used, but it works)

1 - Wordstar 2000+ v.3
       (unopened, still in shrink wrap; latest version)

1 - Wordstar 2000+ v.3, personal edition
       (unopened, still in shrink wrap; latest version)

Okay, people, many of you know I've had these two pieces of software
since the beginning of time, so I've quit posting asking prices.
Somebody buy these or else I will have to resort to daily posts!
(j/k :-)

I do need some parts to put my 386-20 together, so if you want to
trade something, let me know and I might go for it.

Call Dennis at 619-453-0236 or E-mail here.

<Dennis Lou>                     |"But Yossarian, what if everyone
pa1568@sdcc13.ucsd.edu           |                 thought that way?"
[backbone]!sdcsvax!sdcc13!pa1568 |"Then I'd be crazy to think any other way!"