) (06/04/90)
I have seen many GIF viewers. These generally support CGA, EGA, VGA and Herc. My home system has EGA graphics (being done via NEC's GB-1 board) At work I have a GIF to RASTER converter to display GIF files on my SUN workstation. The displayed image is almost like 35mm film. I know the SUN has much higher resolution than my EGA system has, however, what I would like is a GIF viewer that would load ALL the image only displaying the maximum number of pixels available for my resolution system, leaving the remaining off screen for me to scroll onto the screen with the arrow keys. Is there something like this available? +---------------------------------------------------------------------+ | Barry A. Suskind E-Systems / Melpar Division | | MaBell: 703-560-5000x2348 7700 Arlington Blvd MS:N401 | | Internet: suskind%edoras@mdcbbs.com Falls Church, VA 22046 | | UUCP: uunet!mdcbbs!edoras!suskind | | Tell your users, "It's JSNM, Just Stark Naked Magic" | +---------------------------------------------------------------------+
silver@xrtll.uucp (Hi Ho Silver) (06/05/90)
In article <1990Jun4.093804.887@mdcbbs.com> suskind@mdcbbs.com (Barry A. Suskind, Knights who say NI!) writes:
$what I would like is a GIF viewer that would load ALL the image only
$displaying the maximum number of pixels available for my resolution system,
$leaving the remaining off screen for me to scroll onto the screen with the
$arrow keys. Is there something like this available?
Yes indeed. CSHOW will do exactly this, provided you have enough memory
for it to store the entire image (otherwise, it will only allow you to
scroll around as much as it has memory for ... this is only a problem for
users with high-resolution cards, large GIFs, or small amounts of main
memory; I don't know if it will use EMS). You can find a copy somewhere
on wsmr-simtel20.army.mil; try the PD1:<msdos.gif> or PD1:<msdos.graphics>
directories (it's been a while since I've had FTP access)-: or on mirror
/Nikebo \ Nikebo says "Nikebo knows how to post. Just do it."\silver@xrtll/
/yunexus!xrtll!silver (L, not 1)\ Hi Ho Silver \ just silver for short /
/Silver: Ever Searching for SNTF \ Life sucks. \ someone buy me a BEER! /
vgopal@cbnewsc.att.com (venu.p.gopal) (06/06/90)
In article <1990Jun4.093804.887@mdcbbs.com> suskind@mdcbbs.com (Barry A. Suskind, Knights who say NI!) writes: >what I would like is a GIF viewer that would load ALL the image only >displaying the maximum number of pixels available for my resolution system, >leaving the remaining off screen for me to scroll onto the screen with the >arrow keys. Is there something like this available? VUIMAGE can Zoom and Pan over the entire image - however, it reads from disk when necessary and doesn't load the entire image into memory - not surprising, since a large image may be many megabytes long...and the program requires only 128K. Reading from disk, however, does make the panning slow for GIF files (GIF files are sequential access) and the panning is coarse to allow for the slowness. TIFF files are much faster in panning. Zooming upto 999% and downto 1% is possible - you can Pan after Zooming in/out. You can get VUIMAGE from SIMTEL or a comp.binaries.ibm.pc and most bulletin boards. Venu P. Gopal UUCP: ..!att!cbnewsc!vgopal Internet: vgopal@cbnewsc.att.com