[comp.sys.ibm.pc] ATT / IBM keyboard connections.

jdudeck@polyslo.CalPoly.EDU (John R. Dudeck) (06/08/90)

Can anyone tell me if it is possible to change the connector on an ATT-
compatible keyboard (Keytronics 5151) to make it work on an AT?  And if
so, what are the correct connections?

My colleague accidentally ordered a 5151 from Softwarehouse that is for
an ATT, when an AT compatible was needed.  Now they won't take it back,
saying he waited too long.

Please Email.

John Dudeck                                 "I always ask them, How well do
jdudeck@Polyslo.CalPoly.Edu                            you want it tested?"
ESL: 62013975 Tel: 805-545-9549                               -- D. Stearns