[comp.sys.ibm.pc] MC.ARC badly needed

fischer@utower.gopas.sub.org (Axel Fischer) (06/08/90)

Hello netlanders,

I have currently no ftp access, but I need the following program 
as soon as possible:

Simtel20, IP address  
PD1:<MSDOS.SYSUTL>MC.ARC "multiple choice, multiple partitions" ~20k 19.11.87

This program should solve my problem about a boot assistant.

Could anyone please fetch it for me and send it uuencoded via email to

I would appreciate any help,

  fischer@utower.gopas.sub.org / fischer@db0tui6.BITNET / fischer@tmpmbx.UUCP

                                  That is not dead, which can eternal lie
                                  Yet with strange aeons, even death may die.