[comp.sys.ibm.pc] Re-defining MS-Mouse Cursor

sdf@abcom.ATT.COM (6362 ) (06/28/90)

I am using the Microsoft Mouse and am interested in re-defining the standard
cursor it supplies.  Does anyone out there in Netland know how to do
this?  I know that you can define the cursor within programs you write
yourself, but I want to replace the standard cursor with one of my own design
so that it will work with pre-existing software.

Any help would be appreciated.  Thaks in advance.

Steve Fried.

***** "It is morally wrong to allow naive end-users to keep their money." *****
*****             Stephen D. Fried,  AT&T,  Newark, New Jersey            *****
*****  E-Mail: ...[!att]!abcom!sdf  sdf@abcom.att.com  attmail!sdfried    *****
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