(Errol Casey) (07/04/90)
Summary of answers and collection of information from Intel's Bulletin Board System about Windows 3.0 and the Intel/386 PC Inboard. Bulletin from INTEL BBS: ======================== After extensive negotiations with Microsoft, it appears there isn't any interest, on their part, to do an OEM version of Windows 3.0. They've just put a huge effort into releasing the product, spending millions just for publicity. At this point, there is nothing in it for them to create another, special, version they'd have to support, especially one which would probably sell only a few thousand copies. When Windows 386 was the hottest new product we heard many demands for a version of it for INBOARD 386/PC. After spending a large amount of money to create that special version, which would exist in a PC/XT environment, we sold only a few thousand copies resulting in a pretty big loss. Based on this past performance, it's virtually impossible to go back to the Business Managers and get that kind of funding, -even- if Microsoft were willing. It would take a very large demand from the customer base to generate enough interest on the part of Microsoft to change their minds. Send us your comments, addressed to: Product Manager, INBOARD 386PC Intel, PCEO 5200 NE Elam Young Parkway Mailstop CO3-17 Hillsboro, OR 97124 We'll collect them and stay in communications with Microsoft, but can't be very optimistic about the chances of getting it to happen. We greatly appreciate your business and want to support you but it may not be possible for us to meet this new challenge. Intel/386 PC Inboard is supported by Desqview/386: ================================================== >From: nghiem@ut-emx.UUCP (Alex Nghiem) Subject: Re: Window 3.0: Intel Inboard/386 Date: 30 Jun 90 05:30:38 GMT Reply-To: nghiem@emx.UUCP (Alex Nghiem) Organization: UTexas Computation Center, Austin, Texas Lines: 34 In article <32421@ut-emx.UUCP> nghiem@emx.UUCP (Alex Nghiem) writes: >In article <2915@gmdzi.UUCP> strobl@gmdzi.UUCP (Wolfgang Strobl) writes: >> >>No. Real mode is for 8088/86 or any of the other processors >>in Real Address Mode. >>Standard mode is running Windows applications in Protected Virtual >>Address Mode of the 80286, 80386 and 80486 processors. Enhanced mode >>uses the address mapping (paging) functions of 80386 and above and >>runs non Windows applications in virtual 8086 mode. >> >>Wolfgang Strobl > >Ahh..., then owners of the Intel/386PC (me!) have a real gripe with Windows 3.0 >for it appears that Windows 3.0 can run on the Intel/386 PC only in !!8088!! >mode! After downloading and reading the technical notes on the Intel Inboard 386/PC, I discovered that Intel has tested Desqview/386 on the Intel Inboard 386/PC has found it COMPATIBLE with the Intel Inboard 386/PC. Intel and Microsoft do not plan to release either Windows 3.0 or OS/2 for the Intel 386/PC, although Intel says that the Intel 386/PC does have hardware support for OS/2 (whatever that means!?!). Intel also advises against using IBM DOS 4.0 with the Intel Inboard 386/PC because they say that IBM did NOT adhere to Lotus/Intel/Microsoft Expanded Memory Specification 4.0 . They recommend the use of Microsoft DOS 4.01. __________________________________________________________________________ This article is posted for discussion only. Any misrepresentation, if any, is purely unintentional. Any opinion expressed or implicit in these remarks are solely my own. !!ut-emx!nghiem !!ut-emx!ccwf!nghiem Various users have gotten the different modes of Windows 3.0 to work; below are some messages I captured from the INTEL BBS. First the three modes of Windows 3.0 are as follows: real mode (/r) - 8088/8086 mode, runs Windows 3.x applications standard mode (/s) - 80286 protected mode, used for running Windows 3.0 compatible applications 386 enhanced modes (/e) - usage of virtual memory (swap space on disk), virtual 8086s, multi- tasking non-window applications as well as window applications. Captured messages from INTEL BBS: ================================= Msg#:12411 *INBOARD 386/PC* 06/16/90 23:33:16 From: TIM APPLEGATE To: ALL Subj: WINDOWS 3 IN RESPONSE TO ALL THE QUESTIONS ABOUT SYSTEMS WHICH SEEM TO RUN WINDOWS 3 IN STANDARD MODE WITH NO PROBLEMS, I OFFER THE FOLLOWING: IBM PC/XT, INBOARD W/ 2 MEG PIGGY, ATI VGAWONDER, SEAGATE ST11R HD CONTROLLER, WD FOX 1002A-FOX FLOPPY CONTROLLER CONFIG.SYS: FILES=40; BUFFERS=10; DEVICE=INBRDPC.SYS NODIAGS NOPAUSE FDWAIT=12; DEVICE=HIMEM.SYS; DEVICE=C:\WINDOWS\SMARTDRV.SYS 1024 256; SHELL=C:\BOSS\COMMAND.COM /E:480 /P; DEVICE=DRIVER.SYS /D:2 AUTOEXEC.BAT: PATH C:\; C:\BOSS; C:\WINDOWS; C:\TOOLBOOK; C:\DOS; C:\UTIL; C:\WS6; C:\ NORTON; D:\SYM; D:\PBRUSH; D:\PZP; D:\WP51; D:\MYM; ASTCLOCK; SET COMSPEC=C:\BOSS\COMMAND.COM; SET TEMP=C:\WINDOWS\TEMP; MOUSE. That's all there is--the PATH statement takes up most of it. I didn't have to do anything to win.ini or any other file to get Windows to run in standard mode, so have nothing to offer in that regard. I tend to go along with Paul's view that the big difference is in the peripherals one happens to have. John Fallon and I have very similar hardware and we both have succeeded in running standard mode. We both have the ATI VGAWonder and the ST11-R. Incidentally, I have an AST 6-pak with all the memory disabled, which explains the ASTCLOCK command. In connection with a question someone else asked, the Inboard does work with other memory sources than the piggybacks. My daughter runs an Inboard in an IBM PC-2 with an AST RamPage with two megs of expanded memory. It is not LIM 4.0, but conforms to AST's EEMS protocol and will multi-task under DESQview. Even for other uses, it works fine as available, but relatively slow, expanded memory. Owners of AboveBoard which conforms only to LIM 3.2 are not quite as lucky, as various previous messages indicate, but they do have expanded memory available to programs such as Lotus 1-2-3 and TimeLine 3.0. I hope all this is of some help to someone. At least it's the simplest config.sys and autoexec.bat setup I've seen listed for standard mode. Msg#:12550 *INBOARD 386/PC* 06/20/90 21:57:20 From: ANDRE BRANTOME To: ALL Subj: WINDOWS 3.0 For those of you who cannot get Windows 3.0 to work in standard mode, here is what i have in my system that got it to work. I have a high density 1.2mg controler, VGA monitor, and 2mg of memory. I did not have to modify the WIN.INI file at all. The only problem I had was when I tried to install it. I had to boot off a virgin DOS disk with no drivers except my Inboard 386/PC driver in config.sys. Otherwise I kept on getting the message "Cannot write to SYSTEM.INI delete file WINVER.EXE" after the second disk.After I finished setup I used my regular config.sys that contained my mouse driver and file and buffer statements and ran Windows in standard mode. Msg#:12658 *INBOARD 386/PC* 06/25/90 10:52:17 From: DON TAYLOR To: SYSOP (Rcvd) Subj: WINDOWS 3.0 Paul, I have an IBM PC/XT with an inboard 386/PC and a 4 meg piggy back and it will run windows 3.0 in win /s mode fine. It works a lot better if you set the swap disk to a ram drive in your autoexec.bat. I haven't had it crash yet except enhanced mode. -Don P.S. Thanks for your previous reply. I read on the INTEL BBS that one user claimed to have gotten Windows 3.0, to run in enhanced mode but there was not a message posted explaining how s/he did it. I personally have ran Windows 3.0 in real mode and decided to stay with Desqview/386 until Microsoft/Intel come up with a supported version of Windows 3.0 for the INTEL 386/PC Inboard. (which can support all versions real, standard, and enhanced 386). Granville Errol Casey, Jr. NCSU Computer Science Department Email Addresses: