[net.movies] Return of the Jedi

tim (05/08/83)

Non-spoiler: Return of the Jedi looks like the best of the Star Wars
movies yet. However, I didn't like the first one much, so our tastes
may well differ. The comic book is great! Buy it as soon as you get
a chance (which may be sooner than the people at Lucasfilms would like,
but never mind that). This sort of story comes out very well in a comic
book format, possibly better than on the screen.

Warning! This article gives away plot details of Return of the Jedi!
If you feel that your enjoyment of the movie would be spoiled by this,
don't read it! And don't send me hate mail! And don't read this on a
hard copy terminal!
This is your last chance to turn back.
Seriously, here it comes now, so if you've got any misgivings, stop.
First, I know what you've all been wondering. This question has been
asked repeatedly and annoyingly since The Empire Strikes Back came out.
Well, finally, here's the answer...

Yoda is 900 years old.

Oh, that's not it, is it? OK, you asked for it. The "other" mentioned in
The Empire Strikes Back is Darth Vader's other child -- Princess Leia!
Yes, that's right. Sure, this is weak, but I didn't write it. How did
Darth Vader fail to notice she was his kid when he was interrogating her?

This part should come as no surprise: the good guys win. The Empire falls,
the new Death Star they are building is destroyed by the heroic actions
of the leads, and there is a big party at the end.

The first thing that happens is the rescue of Han Solo. Without going
into the details, the plan is ridiculous and has no right to work, and
of course the lead characters are continually remarking on this fact.

As mentioned, the Empire is building a new Death Star. (Presumably they
have not neglected basic computer checks of the design this time.) The
rebels learn of this, and determine that it is sparsely guarded right
now, since it is still in construction and the Imperial Fleet is spread
out through the galaxy playing hide-and-go-seek with the rebels. However,
it is protected by an impenetrable force screen generated from a nearby
planet. The plan is this: Our Heroes sneak onto the planet and deactivate
the force screen, so that the rebel fleet can assault the Death Star.
Specifically, they are to fly inside the unfinished shell of the battle
station and destroy the main reactor (which, it turns out later, is fueled
solely by tons of womp rats). Then, hopefully, they can get out before the
transformation of the Death Star into an incredibly loud sound effect
is complete.

Needless to say, this is not as simple as they'd hoped. I won't reveal
the details of the mission, but remember, the good guys win and there's
a big party (with some little aliens) at the end. I hope I've served more
to whet your appetite for the movie than spoil it for you, but remember,
you were warned! And to the guys at Lucasfilms: please don't come down
too hard on Marvel for blowing it; you'll make just as much money on
the film anyway and you know it.

jnorris (05/12/83)

Relay-Version:version B 2.10 gamma 4/3/83; site mhuxt.UUCP
Posting-Version:version B 2.10 gamma 4/7/83; site ihnp1.UUCP
Date:Wed, 11-May-83 19:59:39 EDT
Organization:BTL Naperville, Il.

...in a small drug store on the outskirts of Naperville nestled in the
cradle of a shopping center lies a few choice virgin copies of

		RETURN OF THE JEDI (comic book)

it contains answer to the many questions that you have agonized over.

More hints to follow.....

mabgarstin (05/18/83)

    I just have to say this. I just found out that I am the proud and happy
winner of a pair of tickets to go and see the Tuesday, May 24th. premiere of
Return of the Jedi. 
    Next Wednesday the 25th. I will be back here in the lab, well, at least
my body will be here, and I shall place a critique on this news group about
RotJ but I will do my upmost at not spoilling it. The title will be well
descriptive of this fact so if you don't even want a critique (was it better,
the same , worse than SW or ESB) then you can ignore it (if your will is that
    If there are individuals out there who just can't wait and have to know
the answers to life, the universe and who the "other" is then mail me (no
net requests) in advance and I'll reply when I come in on Wednesday but be
forwarned, I will be soarly dissappointed if I find netters are too week to
hold out, even if it is RotJ.

                                      May the force be with you,
                                        I guess it is with me,
                                    now if only I could get a job.

net address:      ....!decvax!utcsrgv!watmath!watcgl!mabgarstin

LShilkoff.ES@PARC-MAXC.ARPA (05/25/83)

O.K. folks, here's the scoop! If you are planning on seeing the movie and do not
want it spoiled for you then CLICK...DELETE NOW! I could just tell you if I
thought if it was worth seeing, but why bother? You already know it's going to
be good and you'll see it anyway!

			Story summary...Return of the Jedi

As you might remember, in the last installment Han Solo was captured by the
bounty hunter Boba Fett and delivered to Jabba. The Rebel resistance was
delivered a harsh blow. Luke also found out that Darth Vader was actually his

The Return of the Jedi begins with Luke Skywalker and his cohorts making an
attempt to bargain with Jabba for the return of Han (defrosted of course). Jabba,
not too receptive with Luke, takes him captive. Princess Leia takes a shot to
rescue Han and sucessfully frees him from his carbonite freeze. However, in the
attempt, she is captured and turned into a slave. Jabba decides to sentence all of
them to death by taking them to the Dune Sea and feeding them to a mighty
underground creature to "suffer the agony of being digested over 1000 years".
Luckily, Lando Calrissian is there to free them in a dramatic rescue. All except
Luke returns the Rebel Base; he must thank an old friend on a planet in the
Dagoba system.

Luke visits Yoda to thank him for his instruction in the ways of the Jedi which
helped him rescue his friends from Jabba. Yoda is dying, and in his final words
he tells Luke he is not a Jedi Warrior until he confronts the evil Darth Vader.
Only then will he truly be a Jedi.

Upon returning to the Rebel Base it is disclosed the Empire is building a new,
more powerful Death Star. Still under construction, this terror is still
non-operational and must be destroyed. The Death Star is being protected by a
force field originating from Tatooine, the planet it is orbiting, which must first
be disabled (Han, Luke, Leia, C3PO and R2D2). It is important the station is
destroyed before a Rebel attack led by Lando reaches the Death Star.

Arriving on Tatooine, Han and the rest meet up with a tribe of creatures known
as Ewoks. These furry little guys (about 3 feet tall) are befriended by the group
and offer to help them disable the power station. Much resistance is encountered
with the Empire laying in wait, anticipating an attack on the station. Luke is
captured by Darth Vader and taken to the Death Star where he is to be
indoctrinated to the dark side of the Force.

Lando and his party of Rebels arrive at the Death Star only to find the force
field still operational, and must fight off the Empire until Han can manage to
eliminate the force field.

On the Death Star we see Darth and the evil Emperor trying to turn Luke to the
dark side. Luke resists and tries to sway Darth (his father) from evil. A light
saber duel ensues with Luke severing Darth's right arm (ala Empire). The
Emperor encourages Luke to finish him off, leaving Luke the heir to Darth's
reign. But Luke does not, refusing to be duped into the hateful dark side. As a
result, the Emperor decides to destroy Luke with a sort of electrical field from his
fingertips. Apparently Luke's efforts to sway Darth were not in vain. In a
dramatic scene Darth Vader picks up the Emperor and tosses him down a
cylindrical tube leading to the power core of the Death Star marking an end to
the evil Emperor. But Darth is dying, and in a moving scene, he asks Luke to
remove his helmet so that he may see his son with his own eyes before he dies.
He appears as an unassuming middle aged, bald man where without his garb
appears somewhat less of a terror. In his final breath, he turns from the dark

In the finale, Han and the Ewoks manage to disable the force field station,
leaving the Death Star exposed for an attack. Luke manages to escape with the
body of his father shortly before the battle station is destroyed. Later on Tatooine
Luke creamates his father in a funeral and a celebration over the destruction of
the Death Star ensues. The movie ends with the etherial images of Obi-Wan
Kenobi, Yoda, and Luke's father (Anakin Skywalker...his real name) looking over
the celebration.

Go see the movie. You won't be dissapointed.


rba-dx@allegra.UUCP (05/28/83)

		__________STAR WARS______________________________
		/-\ /-- /--\ / \ /-\ /\  \    /\ /-- /--\  /-\
		\-/ |--  ||  | | \-/ | \ | OF  | |-- |   |  |
		| \ \--  ||  \_/ | \ |  \| THE | \-- \__/  \-/
					 / \
				       . |||
				  ..	 |||
				.	 |||
			  .		 |||
	                .		 |||
	         .  .                    |||
	    . .. ..    .                 |||
	             .     		 |||
	   .   .  .        		 |||
	     .				 |||
	 .     .    . .			 |||
		 .			\---/
		 .  . .	OOO		 /-|
	    .   .      OOOOO		//-|
		 . .	OOO		|/--\
	 .     .   .   .  . ..		|||-\\
	 . .    .    .   . .		||  ||

         Co-starring David Prowse - Kenny Baker - Peter Mathew - Frank Oz

rba-dx@allegra.UUCP (05/30/83)

For those who read the article:
	The planet from which the shield protecting the new Death Star,
     is not Tatooine! Jabba the Hutt lives on Tatooine, the Ewoks live
     on the Moon of Endor, where the force field generator is.

						Danny Espinoza

BROL.Henr@PARC-MAXC.ARPA (05/31/83)

Lando Calrissian being at the Dune Sea was not luck.  Luke had it all planned
out and he was the one who actually started the rescue attempt.  The reason
Luke returned to the Dagoba system was not only to thank a friend, but also to
complete his training.

The Emperor had foreseen everything that had happened and knew that there
would be an attack on the power station and he had men waiting.  Luke was not
captured by Darth Vader.  He surrender on his only, thinking he could reason
with Vader and turn him back to the good side of the force.

Luke actually only severed the right hand of Vader, which was mechanical.
Upon seeing this Luke seemed to think about the fact that his own right hand
was now mechanical and maybe he saw himself turning into a Darth Vader
figure (lots of mechanical parts instead of human parts).  This may have helped
him in staying with the good side of the force.


Talsma.WBST@PARC-MAXC.ARPA (06/01/83)

I believe the significance of Luke focusing on Darth Vader's severed hand and
then his own was to imply that Luke was recalling how his father (Vader) had
once had this similar advantage in their earlier dual (The Empire Strikes Back),
but had not killed Luke.  Darth Vader's apparent hint of compasion for his son at
that moment was what Luke held as proof that his father was not in fact evil to
the core and lost forever to the dark side of the Force.  (This he stated at the
time of his surrendered to Vader.)

Remembering this as he was about to kill Vader enabled Luke's own compasion
for his father to overcome his hatred and to resist falling to the dark side of the

So in actuality, it was Darth Vader's compassion for his son that saved Luke from
the dark side of the Force, and Luke's compassion for his father that saved
Anakin Skywalker (Vader) from the same destiny.

Regardless, however, "Return of the Jedi" was an execellent movie in every
respect and I hope the sequels keep right on coming.

~~ Randy ~~

KLGross.ES@PARC-MAXC.ARPA (06/02/83)

I would apprecitate it greatly if you would put a spoiler header on your
messages about movies that some people haven't rushed right out to see.
I read half of your message before I realized it contained direct facts
from the movie.

Have a NICE day....


Fullman.ES@PARC-MAXC.ARPA (06/02/83)


I have solved that problem by NOT READING THE MESSAGES, but storing them
for later referral.
I haven't yet seen the movie, but I will be seeing the movie eventually.


KLGross.ES@PARC-MAXC.ARPA (06/02/83)

The point is that the proper way to send those type of messages is to
have a spoiler heading...good lord, haven't we been through this about
95 times before?

Send it with a spoiler heading, please, if it deals with plot details.
It won't kill you.


KBrown.PA@PARC-MAXC.ARPA (06/03/83)

This message is empty.

Holbrook.ES@PARC-MAXC.ARPA@sri-unix.UUCP (06/03/83)

But I would suggest that ROTJ is one of those movies that really should
be seen in 70mm / 6 track Dolby sound to be fully appreciated.

I saw it again last Sunday at the Newport Edwards ... before they ran
the movie, they ran a view previews, which seemed loud enough.  Then the
20th Century fox fanfare, which also seemed loud.  But then the fanfare
at the beginning of the movie hit me ...

I remember the first time I saw Star Wars (the 1977 film).. it was at a
reasonable theatre, but not one of the 70mm/6track places.  The film
didn't impress me that much - it was fun, but nothing really exciting.
It wasn't until I saw it at the Corenet in San Francisco that the movie
really hit me.  I saw it 4 times at the Corenet ..

This is one of those cases where I think the benefits of the big theatre
outweigh the wait.  If you have to stand in line, just bring a book.
Besides, the lines at the good theatres will go down eventually.

tim@unc.UUCP (06/28/83)


    Vader was fried by the Emperor as he struggled with him.  His
armor was burnt, and you could see his skeleton as the "lightning"
assaulted him.

The overworked keyboard of Tim Maroney

duke!unc!tim (USENET)
tim.unc@udel-relay (ARPA)

mcewan@uiucdcs.UUCP (07/11/83)

uiucdcs!mcewan    Jul 10 13:50:00 1983

Re: Who killed Darth Vader:

>From the official Marvel adaption of RotJ (after Vader grabs the Emperor):

	"The merciless energy that had been killing Luke now arcs back to strike
	Vader! It rains over him, searing, scortching his great form..."