bchs1a@jetson.uh.edu (07/06/90)
My boss recently came to me and requested that I buy a multitasking environment for his 386/25 and Deskpro 386 systems. I have considered Windows, DESQview, and seen an ad for another system, called VM/386. I would like opinions on what the best multitasking environment is, especially if different from the above. If anyone has heard of VM/386, or uses it now, please also give me your thoughts. Some more specifics on the systems we use, in case the question arises. We have 1 ~4year old Deskpro 386, and two ~1year old 386/25 s. The /25s have 4 and 5 MB of memory, the 386, 1MB. The 386 is running MS-DOS v3.2, the /25s are running 4.00 and 4.01. With the variety of Hardware and Software we have, It may not be possible to find one application that works well with all of these machines. If so, the 386/25s get first priority. The Deskpro 386 is used for Data Acquisition almost exclusively, and so a multitasking environment on it would just be gilding on the lily. Thank you in advance for your opinions, just in case I cannot respond to each missive individually. Michael Rice MRICE@UH.EDU MRICE@UHOU or BCHS1A@JETSON.UH.EDU