[comp.sys.ibm.pc] Looking for documentation on IBM's VGA

barthe@hpuxa.ircc.ohio-state.edu (Olivier Barthelemy) (07/09/90)

Hi. I am looking for technical information on the VGA card in the IBM 50.
More specifically, how can it be programmed in assembler, what registers
does it have, how is the hardware organized...

Does anyone know a source for such info ?


Olivier barthelemy	barthe@hpuxa.ircc.ohio-state.edu

cjp@beartrk.beartrack.com (CJ Pilzer) (07/10/90)

In article <2607@nisca.ircc.ohio-state.edu>, barthe@hpuxa.ircc.ohio-state.edu (Olivier Barthelemy) writes:
> Hi. I am looking for technical information on the VGA card in the IBM 50.
> More specifically, how can it be programmed in assembler, what registers
> 			614)294-3302
There is a publication "Personal System/2 Model 50 and 60 Technical
Reference"   which is IBM part number 68X2224.  It does describe the system
board which contains the VGA interface.  It decribes the hardware, and the
registers.  It contains information on addresses of the registers and
what each bit controls.  Is that what you want?  It costs $125.00.

It can be ordered by phone from IBM at 1-800-426-7282.  The address is:
IBM Technical Directory, P.O. Box 2009, Racine, WI. 53404-3336.

-- cj