We have two Macs at work with attached CD-ROM drives (an Apple and a
Toshiba). Both Macs have no problems reading Mac CDs (such as Phil &
Dave's ...) or playing audio CDs. However, neither Mac seems able to
read a non-Mac CD. I borrowed "The Microsoft Bookshelf" CD from a
Netware server and tried it with both Macs. In both cases, I got "This
is not a Macintosh disk ... initialize?" dialog box. I had GUESSED
that a disk from Microsoft would be in ISO/High Sierra format, but I
don't know this for sure. Both systems have the latest CD software from FTP site.
What am I doing wrong? Has anyone successfully used ISO/High Sierra CDs
on their Mac? If so, please suggest a title or two that I could try.
Apple CD manual says the message I'm getting indicates the CD is not Mac
or ISO/High Sierra format. What type IS "The Microsoft Bookshelf"?
This is cross posted to, because I thought a PCer might
be more familiar with Microsoft CDs.
Thanks in advance,
Barry Wolman |
Principal Technical Consultant | 500 Old Connecticut Path
Prime Computer | Framingham, MA 01701
| 508/879-2960, ext. 1100