[comp.sys.ibm.pc] info about the IBM PC JX

FORBES@rs1.vuw.ac.nz (FORBES) (07/18/90)

Hi there,

I am the proud owner of that rare beastie, the IBM PC JX -
or PC Jr as it is sometimes known.  I understand it is similar
to the PC but aimed at the home/games market and so has one
or two, rather vital, differences.  The one causing the most
hassle is the graphics : most PC's have their graphics starting
at a fixed address (HB800 or something) - unfortunately the JX
puts it inside the resident DOS section in RAM on the nearest
16K, 32K or 64K boundary (depending on the particular graphics
configuration choosen) above any other drivers etc.  All this means
programs which write directly to the graphics area instead of
using BIOS or DOS go splat on the JX.

That is the limit of my knowledge so if any of you PC gurus could
help me out with either a patch for these programs or something
to intercept and re-direct graphics images to the right memory
area, it would really be appreciated.

In view of the differences ah la graphics, I'm also concerned
about the compatiability of hard drives.  I'm looking at buying
one for the JX and would appreciate any info on which are suitable -
it's rather embarrassing (and expense) to buy one and find it
won't work.

Please e-mail all replies to me (FORBES on rs1 at VUW NZ)
and I'll summarise for any other JK owners who are similarly
stuck - and please don't tell me to sell it and get another
PC, I'm very fond of the little Jr (and can't afford another

Thanks in advance.