[comp.sys.ibm.pc] lets make comp.sys.ibm.games

ce1zzes@prism.gatech.EDU (Eric Sheppard) (08/02/90)

In article <8559.26b72d3f@ohstpy.mps.ohio-state.edu>, kramer@ohstpy.mps.ohio-state.edu writes:
> In article <855@uncw.UUCP>, curtism@uncw.UUCP (mike curtis) writes:
> >  Lets start a new games group called comp.sys.ibm.games. I know that
> >  there are thousands of you fellow netters that play games, so lets
> >  start a new group that deals only with games! 
> Sounds good.  Anyone else interested?  I'll check to see what we
> have to do to start a newsgroup.

Let's not.  That's what rec.games.misc specializes in, now that most other
forms of games have been siphoned off into their own groups (rpg, d&d, video,
board, hack, etc.).

I advise you to check out the activity on that newsgroup before attempting
to create this new group.  I think the potential group is unnecessary.

Eric Sheppard      Georgia Tech    |  "Of course the US Constitution isn't
Atlanta, GA                        | perfect; but it's a lot better than what
ARPA: ce1zzes@prism.gatech.edu     | we have now."
uucp: ...!{allegra,amd,hplabs,seismo,ut-ngp}!gatech!prism!ce1zzes