[comp.sys.ibm.pc] IBM computer for sale

sh2m+@andrew.cmu.edu (Stephen Brent Houchen) (11/09/90)

I have the following system for sale:

IBM PCjr 640K (most have 256K)
	Color Monitor
	2 Joysticks (IBM)
	BASIC Cartridge
	PCjr Modem Cable

	Some Public Domain Software

	RAMDisk Software which came with
		memory upgrade

Complete system cost over $1400.  Yours for just $750.
	(You pay shipping costs.)

Reply to sh2m+@andrew.cmu.edu

tommie@Pacesetter.COM (Tom Levin) (11/17/90)

In article <gbCNoMy00awPIY1Fsl@andrew.cmu.edu> sh2m+@andrew.cmu.edu (Stephen Brent Houchen) writes:
>I have the following system for sale:
>IBM PCjr 640K (most have 256K)
>	Color Monitor
>	2 Joysticks (IBM)
>	BASIC Cartridge
>	PCjr Modem Cable
>	Some Public Domain Software
>	RAMDisk Software which came with
>		memory upgrade
>Complete system cost over $1400.  Yours for just $750.
>	(You pay shipping costs.)
>Reply to sh2m+@andrew.cmu.edu

HAAAAA, HAAAA, HEEEE, HOOO HEE HA, HA HA HA!!! um...excuse me for thaHA HA HEE
HAAAA, HEEEE HOOOOOOO, (wheeze, gasp, cough, cough)...I'm truly sorr WHAAA, HEE

;-) ;-) ;-) ;-) ;-) ;-) ;-) ;-) ;-) ;-) ;-) ;-) ;-) ;-) ;-)

Seriously though, donate the hunk to your favorite charity and take the
write-off. I can buy a *286* *VGA* system with a *hard disk* for that much
money! The "jr" computer isn't even completely compatible with "Sr." PCs.

-tom  (hee, heee, hooo, wheeze, gasp)
+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+  Tom Levin  +=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+
|  {ttidca|hacgate|bellcore|hoptoad|csun|harvard|uunet|rdlvax}!psivax!tommie  |
|   INTERNET: tommie@pacesetter.com           N6ZIF through ZX-10!            |