[comp.sys.ibm.pc] Word Perfect

O05@PSUVM.BITNET (02/24/89)

Is there anyone who has had hands on experience with installing/using/working
with Word Perfect on a VAX under VMS.  I am beginning to research this for
possible implimentation at our site.  We use Word Perfect all across our
campus on IBM PS/2's, but need to communicate with a central system running
under VMS.

They would like us to use WPS/PLUS DOS, but for consistancy here, Word Perfect
makes more sense.  We also need to be able to use the documents we create in
conjunction with ALL-IN-ONE.  From what I read, you link it in at the  DSAB
level and it becomes a part of ALL-IN-ONE.

Any one with any experience with this, I'd like to hear some feedback.


I am also interested in VT-1xx and VT-2xx emulators for IBM PS/2's so we can
be terminals on the VAX.  If you have what you think is a good package,
please  let me know.


Please send any information directly to me, however, I will take a look at
the newsgroups in case you can't get a return path.

Thanks for your help!

Glenn S. Piper
Consultant, PSU-Berks

sysprga@sahiways.gov.au (Trevor Bate) (03/14/89)

In article <73039O05@PSUVM>, O05@PSUVM.BITNET writes:
> ----------
> I am also interested in VT-1xx and VT-2xx emulators for IBM PS/2's so we can
> be terminals on the VAX.  If you have what you think is a good package,
> please  let me know.
> ----------

We use Zstem-220 and 240 extensively on IBM PC/AT and PS/2's and it works
extremely well- even to the extent that we have bought PS/2 Model 30-286's
instead of VT340's. The price is about the same.

Zstem is advertised in most Digital-related publications, is manufactured
in USA by KEA Systems and is not too expensive.

This emulator beats the pants off the Digital PCSA SETHOST utility.

Trevor Bate,
Highways Department.

sysprga@sahiways.gov.au (Trevor Bate) (03/15/89)

> ----------
> I am also interested in VT-1xx and VT-2xx emulators for IBM PS/2's so we can
> be terminals on the VAX.  If you have what you think is a good package,
> please  let me know.
> ----------

We use Zstem-220 and 240 extensively on IBM PC/AT and PS/2's and it works
extremely well- even to the extent that we have bought PS/2 Model 30-286's
instead of VT340's. The price is about the same.

Zstem is advertised in most Digital-related publications, is manufactured
in USA by KEA Systems and is not too expensive.

This emulator beats the pants off the Digital PCSA SETHOST utility.

Trevor Bate,
Highways Department.

romosan@physics.utoronto.ca (Alexandru Romosan) (01/10/91)

  I am running Word Perfect 4.2 on an IBM XT and I forgot the password
to one of the files that I saved more than two years ago. I tried all
the passwords I might have used but no luck so far. Is there any way I
can access the file? What do I have to do? Please help me. I want very
much to read the file as it has a great sentimental value to me. Any
help will be greatly appreciated. Thank you.

--Alex Romosan-- 
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