[comp.sys.ibm.pc] Any bad experiences with DTK-386-20

efb@suned1.Nswses.Navy.MIL (Everett F Batey) (03/27/91)

Maybe I am spoiled by Unix and other Multi-Tasking OSs.  I get annoyed
with periodic frozen PC ( no more BREAK, Ctl_C, Ctl_Alt_Del ).  Looking
for others with broader experience than just a DTK386.  Do others PCs
freeze up as often ?

Finally deserted using WP5.1 with QEMM, PeachTree III often dies, misc
programs, perhaps with sole exeption of Kermit-MS, all die now and then
and I cant get a handle on it .. my environment is as below.  

Does anything jump out at any of you, video card, disk ctlr, ... .  Usually
have QEMM386 in and a few items stuffed in hi mem though I seem to be able
to have problems even with CONFIG.SYS and AUTOEXEC completely vanilla.  My
problems are the same with 4DOS in or out.

   + DTK - PEM-2000 ( 8/20 MH 386 ) FastET20 MotherBd
     w/ 1 par & 2 ser on bd channels, 1MB DRAM (4x256kbit), 80ns, extended 384
     2-32bit ( one or two wait memory ), 5-16bit, 1-8bit slots

   + DM3088A        Mono - Herc Graphics card (720x348, TTL, 6845 CRTC)
   + DTC7287        Disk Controller, DTK, 2-HD, 2-FD
   + MK134          Hard Disk, Toshiba, 66 MB, RLL
   + floppy         1.44MB, Toshiba
   + floppy         1.2MB, Teac
Since added Jumbo 120 with separate controller card.  Problems before this

Thanks in advance, /Ev/
 +  efb@suned1.nswses.Navy.MIL  efb@gcpacix.uucp  efb@gcpacix.cotdazr.org +
 +  efb@nosc.mil   WA6CRE    Gold Coast Sun Users   Vta-SB-SLO DECUS  gnu +
 +  Opinions, MINE, NOT Uncle Sam_s | b-news postmaster xntp dns  WAFFLE  +