[comp.sys.ibm.pc] source code needed!!!!!

djserian@LAKEHEAD.BITNET (04/04/91)

I am looking for some sort of 'C' code that will perform dos commands...

i.e. format, dir.......

it is original code that I am looking for.. i'm trying to replace the
system('format');  way of doing this......

ps/2's don't seem to like the system calls.... (the code i'm looking for
should be able to run on xt, at, and ps/2....

* Derek J.P.K. Serianni       *   E-Mail: djserian@flash.lakeheadu.ca *
*                             *   Phone : (807) 344-5170              *
* Computer Advisor            *                                       *
* Lakehead University         *   CHH                                 *
* Thunder Bay, Ontario        *   February 3, 1959                    *
* CANADA                      *   Clear Lake Iowa                     *
*                             *                                       *
* Computer problem?           *   Do you know the significance?       *
*                NO PROBLEM!  *                                       *

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