(Brett Shepard) (04/06/91)
I'm fairly new at complex batch programming, and I've made the discovery that the DOS 3.3 manual isn't very helpful. I'm trying to create a program to copy files from floppy to hard disk. The program should be able to handle a varying number of floppys - as entered from the command line. My question is how do I set up the counter variable in the program so that I can loop through the copying routine for each disk? I tried setting an environment variable to 0, then incrementing the environment var, but that didn't work at all. How do I create and use a variable in a batch program, and if I can't, how do I code it to loop a variable number of times? Any and all help/suggestions are welcome and greatly appreciated. PS - please e-mail, I don't get much time to read this... B ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- "Just the opinions, ma'am." | Brett Shepard | Close your eyes and Go ahead, crash our system! | Ball State University | pretend that there is UUCP:| Muncie, IN | a fancy graphic here -------------------------------------------------------------------------------