(Saiid Paryavi) (04/15/91)
All of the following items are new in their original packaging with original warranty, etc. If you don't like the price, make me an offer. VGA CARDS --------- Oak VGA Card w/ 256K VRAM $75 Supports up to 800 x 600 x 16 1 year warranty Orchid ProDesigner VGA Plus $150 High performance 16-bit board Supports nine extended modes beyond standard VGA Auto-switching for exceptional monitor and software compatibility Supports all VGA single frequency analog, multi-frequency, and IBM 8514 type monitors Supports 800 x 600 x 256 Colors and 1024 x 768 x 16 colors 4 year warranty Techmar VGA $85 256K VRAM Supports analog monitors, vairable freq. monitors and digital monitors Supports up to 640 x 480 x 256 color graphics 2 year warranty LAN CARDS --------- Tiara LANcard/E * PC 16 $125 Local Area Network Adapter Fully compatible with the Ethernet LAN and IEEE 802.3 Includes boot ROM socket 10 MB/sec transmission rate MB86950 Network Controller AM7996 Ethernet/Cheapernet Transceiver 128K transmit/receive buffer on-board Ethernet: standard ethernet cables Cheapernet: RG58A/U 50-ohm coaxial cable Lifetime Warranty Tiara LANcard/E $85 Local Area Network Adapter Fully compatible with the Ethernet LAN and IEEE 802.3 Includes boot ROM socket 10 MB/sec transmission rate DP8390/NS32490 Network Controller DP8392/NS32492 Coaxial Transceiver Interface (CTI) for Think Ethernet applications 128K transmit/receive buffer on-board Standard or thin (RG58A/U) 50-ohm Ethernet cable Lifetime Warranty DCA IRMA 3 Convertible 3270 Adapter Hardware $offer Apple II Products ----------------- Echo speech processor $offer Allows your Apple to speak to you from your own programs as well as the many talking programs now n the market that support the Echo. -- Saiid Paryavi CIS Department Internet: Nichols Hall, KSU UUCP: {rutgers, texbell}!ksuvax1!harry!paryavi Manhattan, KS 66506