[comp.sys.ibm.pc] Packard Bell Memory problem

don@socrates.umd.edu (don gertz (UNIX/VMS Sys Staff)) (05/31/91)

Please help me to understand.  I have just purchased a Packard Bell Legend 520sx (Equiv: 386sx) with 2mb of RAM.  640 is base memory and the rest is extended
memory.  It seems that the extended memory is not being accessed, thus leaving
me with only 640K to load programs in with.  Question:  How do I get the
computer to access the extended memory.  I have tried to set up the extended 
memory as expanded memory, but this also does not work.  Please enlighten a
lost soul.

Thanks in advance for any help

don gertz


   |          University of Maryland - University College (UMUC)             |
   |                                                                         |
   |   Don Gertz                     Bitnet  : BITNET%"DON@UC780.UMD.EDU"    |
   |   Systems Programmer            Internet: don@socrates.umd.edu          |
   |   Academic Computing            Phone   : (301) 985-7170                |