[comp.sys.ibm.pc] c++ compilers

pdressne@netxcom.netx.com (Peter Dressner) (06/04/91)

 I am presently considering buying the Borland C++ compiler. I understand
 that there are 3 versions: Professional, Turbo C++ and Borland C++.

 Is this correct? Are there any deficiencies in the cheapest one? Would
 anyone NOT recommend any of these packages.

 Thanks in advance.

 Peter Dressner

jcburt@ipsun.larc.nasa.gov (John Burton) (06/04/91)

In article <436@netxcom.netx.com> pdressne@netxcom.netx.com (Peter Dressner) writes:
> I am presently considering buying the Borland C++ compiler. I understand
> that there are 3 versions: Professional, Turbo C++ and Borland C++.
> Is this correct? Are there any deficiencies in the cheapest one? Would
> anyone NOT recommend any of these packages.
> Thanks in advance.
> Peter Dressner

Actually there are only two packages...for version 1.xx of the C++ compiler,
it was Turbo C++ and Turbo C++ Professional (the professional indicated the
inclusion of the Turbo Assembler, Turbo Debugger and (I think) the Profiler)
Now, for the current version (2.xx) there are also two packages, Turbo C++
and Borland C++. Borland C++ takes the place of Turbo C++ Professional
by including the assembler, debugger and profiler.


| John Burton                                                        |
| G & A Technical Software                                           |
| jcburt@gatsibm.larc.nasa.gov                                       |
| jcburt@cs.wm.edu                                                   |
|                                                                    |
| Disclaimer: Hey, what can I say...These are *my* views, not those  |
|             of anyone else, be they employer, school, or government|

rschmidt@copper.ucs.indiana.edu (roy schmidt) (06/04/91)

jcburt@ipsun.larc.nasa.gov (John Burton) writes:
>In article <436@netxcom.netx.com> pdressne@netxcom.netx.com (Peter Dressner) writes:
>> I am presently considering buying the Borland C++ compiler. I understand
>> that there are 3 versions: Professional, Turbo C++ and Borland C++.
>Now, for the current version (2.xx) there are also two packages, Turbo C++
>and Borland C++. Borland C++ takes the place of Turbo C++ Professional
>by including the assembler, debugger and profiler.
Actually, Borland C++ goes one step further:  it supports writing code
to run under MS Windows 3.0.  It includes a <windows.h> file, a resource
compiler, and the Whitewater Resource Toolkit for designing the user
interface.  The assembler, debugger, and profiler programs do *not*
support windows.  Of course, you can still do standard DOS as well.

You can still get the equivalent of a TC++ professional package for
standard DOS programming by purchasing the TC++ "second edition" and the
Turbo Debugger and Tools 2.0 package.

With their Turbo Pascal for Windows package, Borland has introduced a
Turbo Debugger for Windows (I know this is off-subject a little, but I
am anticipating a question, here).  This new debugger only handles
Pascal, and only Windows apps.  As far as that goes, TPW only produces
code for Windows apps.  You  have to use TP 6.0 if you want to write
standard DOS programs in Pascal.

This reflects a new tactic for Borland:  segmenting the market between
regular DOS and Windows.  For those wanting to do both, you wind up with
more than one compiler!  I guess you could argue for specialization,
better features, etc.  Have to wait and see how the laundry comes out.

Roy Schmidt                 |  #include <disclaimer.h>     
Indiana University          |  /* They are _my_ thoughts, and you can't
Graduate School of Business |     have them, so there!  */

oneel@heawk1.gsfc.nasa.gov ( Bruce Oneel ) (06/05/91)

In article <1991Jun4.161855.3984@bronze.ucs.indiana.edu> rschmidt@copper.ucs.indiana.edu (roy schmidt) writes:

   jcburt@ipsun.larc.nasa.gov (John Burton) writes:
   >In article <436@netxcom.netx.com> pdressne@netxcom.netx.com (Peter Dressner) writes:
   >> I am presently considering buying the Borland C++ compiler. I understand
   >> that there are 3 versions: Professional, Turbo C++ and Borland C++.
   >Now, for the current version (2.xx) there are also two packages, Turbo C++
   >and Borland C++. Borland C++ takes the place of Turbo C++ Professional
   >by including the assembler, debugger and profiler.
   Actually, Borland C++ goes one step further:  it supports writing code
   to run under MS Windows 3.0.  It includes a <windows.h> file, a resource
   compiler, and the Whitewater Resource Toolkit for designing the user
   interface.  The assembler, debugger, and profiler programs do *not*
   support windows.  Of course, you can still do standard DOS as well.

   You can still get the equivalent of a TC++ professional package for
   standard DOS programming by purchasing the TC++ "second edition" and the
   Turbo Debugger and Tools 2.0 package.

   With their Turbo Pascal for Windows package, Borland has introduced a
   Turbo Debugger for Windows (I know this is off-subject a little, but I
   am anticipating a question, here).  This new debugger only handles
   Pascal, and only Windows apps.  As far as that goes, TPW only produces
   code for Windows apps.  You  have to use TP 6.0 if you want to write
   standard DOS programs in Pascal.

   This reflects a new tactic for Borland:  segmenting the market between
   regular DOS and Windows.  For those wanting to do both, you wind up with
   more than one compiler!  I guess you could argue for specialization,
   better features, etc.  Have to wait and see how the laundry comes out.

A quick summary which might correct any incorrect impressions from the
above. I have no conection with borland.  The big one is that you
do get Turbo Debugger for Windows with BC++.  Obviously, if one wants
a full feature list call borland.  They can do a much better job.

BC++ 2.0
DOS and Windows executables
IDE runs in DOS mode only, though will run as a dos program under
	STANDARD mode windows.
Debugger and Profiler -- DOS only just like Turbo C++ Pro.
TDW -- Turbo Debugger for Windows, Windows only
TASM -- Object files for both windows? and dos.
White Water toolkit -- Windows resources
Protected mode versions of most tools which are loads faster.
Assorted other programs

DOS only compiler, basically just the IDE.  No external TD, or
profiler, or assembler

Turbo debugger, assembler, and profiler (and maybe some additional)

Turbo Pascal 6.0
Dos only pascal compiler.  Just the IDE basically

Turbo Pascal 6.0 Pro
Think of it as Turbo Pascal 6.0 + Tools + a protected mode compiler.

Turbo Pascal for Windows
Just windows executables.  IDE runs under windows.  Includes TDW.
Bruce O'Neel              oneel@heasfs.gsfc.nasa.gov