[comp.sys.ibm.pc] DesqView Error Message

cab3@uafhp.uark.edu (Chad A. Bersche) (06/07/91)

I am trying to use DesqView version 2.25 under QEMM 5.12 on MS-DOS 4.01.
The hardware is: Everex Step 80386/20 with Paradise Plus VGA.  The error I have
is when DesqView gives its title screen, at the bottom of the screen I get 
"Expanded Memory Driver EMM.DVR is incompatible with DESQview 2.25".  If anyone
has the slightest clue why I get this message, please share it with me, as I am
under the impression QEMM 5.12 works flawlessly with any version of DesqView
over 2.01.  

Thanks for any help you can give on this matter.  I have been pulling my hair
out on this for a couple days with no success.
cab3@uafhp.uark.edu  -  Chad A. Bersche  University of Arkansas Fayetteville
Computer Science Engineering       
Gives me a headache just trying to think down to your level. - Marvin HHTTG