[comp.sys.ibm.pc] Looking for Troff for Dos

bergman@hcx.rockefeller.edu (Mark Bergman) (06/19/91)

I'm looking for information on troff for MS-DOS. I'd appreciate
any reviews of products, cost comparisons, and any comments. The
output device will be an HP IIIP, so additional consideration will
be given to products supporting (directly or via filters) the HP.

I'm particularly interested in PD troff (if it exists) or versions
of psroff or groff ported to DOS and executable on a '286 :).

I know that troff (and vi and emacs...) for DOS is getting to be
a FAQ, so please respond via e-mail and I'll summarize any replies.

Attention vendors (Softquad, MKS--Hello, are you out there?):

    I'd appreciate a hard-copy description of your troff-for-DOS
    products.  Please mail a copy to:

	Mark Bergman 
        140 Luquer Street 
        Brooklyn, NY 11231

Please send any responses via e-mail to:
