[comp.sys.ibm.pc] Looking for Tetris. Please help!

ajbennett@miavx1.acs.muohio.edu (Andrew Bennett) (06/23/91)

Hi Everyone!

I need some help.  Quick.  I'm dyin'.  A friend at school got me addicted
to Tetris (on a Nintendo).  The problem is, now that I'm home, I can't 
find a version to support my setup.  I have an 8088 clone, with a hercules
monitor.  I've got several versions via anonymous FTP, but they don't
support a hercules card.  Although they do work nice at work, but that's
not the place for such a game.

So, if you know of a tetris version that would work on the old clone
here at home, I'd greatly appreciate it.

In severe withdrawal,

    Andrew Bennett   ajbennett@miavx1.acs.muohio.edu  [@miavx1.bitnet]
    Oxford, Ohio     ab55sanu@miamiu.acs.muohio.edu   [@miamiu.bitnet]