greetings i'm frantically seeking any information on the whereabouts of Teammate Software Systems, Inc. who apparently disappeared off of the face of the earth within the last month or two. i'm a computer consultant for an audio/video chain who purchased this program, and i need further assistance from the programmer (whose first name is rick, which is the only name i know about from teammate) regarding multi-store configurations. namely, the multi-store portion of the program doesn't work. so, if anyone out there knows who or what or where i could get in touch with the information i need, or if you yourself are a teammate user (victim? i'm not too happy with the package myself, but hey, i didn't buy it) who knows something about what i'm trying to do, please call/write/fax/shout/email whatever to any of the following: email: or msp@psuecl.bitnet realmail: mark pfaff 260 homan avenue state college, pa 16801-6332 phone: (814) 238-3249 work phone: (814) 234-4800 fax phone: out of order. never mind. thanks very much, mark pfaff