ecn-ec:stocker@pur-ee.UUCP (David G Stocker) (09/20/83)
What does anyone know about the news Bond film with SEAN CONNERY?
alle@ihuxb.UUCP (Allen England) (09/21/83)
The new Bond movie with Sean Connery is titled "Never Say Never Again" and is due to be released for the Christmas movie season. I saw a TV program (with Leonard Nimoy) on the filming of the movie and it looks pretty good. (But I am a Sean Connery fan - Anyone out there remember "Outland"?) Allen England at BTL, Naperville, IL ihnp4!ihuxb!alle
engels@ihuxs.UUCP (SME) (09/21/83)
Yeah, I remember "BADLAND". It's been on ONTV the last couple months. I enjoyed it, but that's a biased opinion because I enjoy any movie with Sean Connery.