[comp.sys.att] 7300 Discounts

marc@aplvax.UUCP (06/14/87)

    I am posting this to add to the recent articles describing cheap
7300's.  I have a quote of $840 for the 7300 with 20Mb hard disk, 
1Mb RAM, monitor and keyboard.  This offer presumably does not include
any software.  Does anyone have price information on available software?
    Obviously AT&T is discontinuing the 7300, I would be very interested
in getting one if I thought that parts etc. would still be available. Is
Convergent also discontinuing marketing their version of the UNIX/PC??
				marc gates
				johns hopkins applied physics lab, laurel, md
				UUCP: ...!seismo!umcp-cs!aplcen!aplvax!marc
				ARPA: marc@aplvax.arpa