[comp.sys.att] 3b journal

gws@gwspc.UUCP (06/15/87)

In several issues of unix world there was an ad for a magazine
called the 3B Journal. The mag is apparently for all of the
AT&T 3B lines of computers. The cost is $25/year, and before
I send off my dollars, is it going to be worth it? Has anyone
gotten a subscription? My specific interest is unixpc/3B1, but
all 3B info is always welcome.

Gary W. Sanders      {cbosgd|ihnp4}!gwspc!gws	AT&T Bell Labs (Columbus)
72277,1325 (cis)				N8EMR @ W8CQK	(packet)
614-860-5965 (w)				614-457-4595 (h)

riddle@woton.UUCP (06/16/87)

> In several issues of unix world there was an ad for a magazine
> called the 3B Journal. The mag is apparently for all of the
> AT&T 3B lines of computers. The cost is $25/year, and before
> I send off my dollars, is it going to be worth it?

We recently received a sample copy of the March/April 1987 issue (vol. 2 #2).
Here's the table of contents:

	Questions and Answers
	Operating Notes: 3B1 Unix Upgrade Revisited
	    RS-232 Communications - A Primer
	    RS-232: A Universal Communications Utility
	Software Forum: The Friendly Administrator
	UniForum 1987 report
	The Resourceful Shell
	PC6300 Terminal
	The CAD Corner: Power Up Your CAD System
	In The News Circuit
	Classified Ads

The magazine was a thin 32 pages with an average article-to-advertising
ratio.  The editorial and production quality were, in my opinion, not quite
up to professional magazine standards, but this is admittedly a small
magazine serving a relatively small market, so I really wouldn't expect
anything as slick as "Byte" or even "Unix Review".  All in all we decided it
was worth $25 on the chance that an occasional article (or ad) would have
something useful to us.

Here's the address if you want to know more:

		3B Journal
		PO Box 4431
		Missoula, MT 59806

--- Prentiss Riddle ("Aprendiz de todo, maestro de nada.")
--- Opinions expressed are not necessarily those of Shriners Burns Institute.
--- riddle@woton.UUCP  {ihnp4,harvard,seismo}!ut-sally!im4u!woton!riddle