[comp.sys.att] LA Source for the 7300/3B1 Sale...

jeff@jplpub1.jpl.nasa.gov (Jeff Skaletsky) (06/27/87)

I just got off the phone with a very helpful gent named Ellis
Goldberg, who's with a company near downtown LA called the Technology
Resource Center.  They are an AT&T Master VAR, and are participating
in the super sale.  First, the numbers:

	Machine		Memory		Disk		Price

	7300		1MB		20MB		$785
	3B1		1MB		40MB		$1250
	3B1		2MB		40MB		$1395
	3B1		2MB		67MB		$1595

UNIX 3.5 - $218.75
Utils    - $350.00
Smart Integrated Software  - $250 ($895 list)
(anyone tried this?  I've heard good things about the DOS version...)

These are cash prices; you'll have to add 2% for MC,VISA,AT&T Long Distance
Card (!) (not sure about the 2% for that card, actually...)
Shipping F.O.B. their dock.

A few other prices:
DOS 73 card: $795 (512 K, COM2 Port, etc.)
DUAL EIA Port Card: $360
2 MB Upgrade - $1436
AT&T Development Tools: $316  (what's the difference between this 
					and the Utils?)
dBASE III - $556
MS Word - $356
MS BASIC - $356

They are a full service center, normally accustomed to providing lots
of hand holding, installation, etc.  They do upgrades on equipment, sell
lots of 3B2s, etc.  

Technology Resource Center
division of Elite Communication Systems
5757 Wilshire Blvd.
Los Angeles, CA 90036
(213) 937-8822  Ellis Goldberg

I have no connection with this company.  Prices are as accurate as I could
scrawl them down, but don't hold me responsible.  This information supplied
only as a service to netters, and is not an advertisement....

Now if I can only get the bucks together to get one of these....
Yow!  Now we can become alcoholics!

Jeff Skaletsky
Jet Propulsion Laboratory
System Engineering Group
Computing and Communication Network Support Services

Try these:	jeff@jplpub1.JPL.NASA.GOV

Mail: 464 W. Woodbury Rd.  Altadena, CA 91001
Phone: (818)354-7677
Voice: "Hey, You!"